The Temper and Frame of our Minds, as to their due

  • Attention;
    • For any kind of Advantage, or Expedient.
      • CONSIDERATION, Advisedness, deliberate, ruminate, fore∣cast, of or on purpose.
        • CVNCTATION, Loitering, Delay, slack, trifling, linger, lag, while off, drive off, put off.
        • RASHNESS, Hastiness, Temerity, heady, hair-brain'd, fool-hardy, cursory, headlong, precipitate, unadvised, incogitancy, inconsi∣derateness, presumption.

Against any kind of Evil, Danger or Impediment.

  • HEEDFULNESS, Wariness, Care, Cantelousness, Watchfulness, At∣tention, Intention, Caution, minding, circumspection, chary, vigi∣lant, cautious▪ shie, advised, aware, beware, intend, look to or about, see to, take heed, be thoughtful, take thought, take warning, narrow∣ly.
    • CARKING, Solicitude, Anxiety, over-thoughtful.
    • CARELESNESS, Heedlesness, incogitancie, negligence▪ slatering, slightness, lightness, supineness, inconsiderate, oscitation, overly, perfunctory, superficial, secure, unwary, retchless, cursory, idle, slothful, sluggardly, slubbering, dissolute, uncircumspect, hand over head, not regard, overslip.

Freedom and Readiness of our Faculties about any thing.

  • ALACRITY, Chearfulness, readiness, forwardness, with all ones heart, with a good will, free, glad, promptness, propensity, rather.
  • GRVDGING, maunder, murmure, mutter, repine, regret, querulous, go against, with an ill will.

Reality of our Intentions, sutable to our outward Pretences.

  • SINCERITY, Vprightness, reality, cordialness, heartiness, downright, honest, plain, simple, unfeigned, sound, clear, uncorrupt.
  • HYPOCRISIE, Dissimulation, double tongue or heart, hollow-hearted, feigning, false, counterfeit, sophistical, pretend.

The Vigorousness of our Endeavours in the prosecution of fitting means.

  • DILIGENCE, Assiduity, Sedulity, Industry, Attention, Care, Labour, Study, instant, elaborate, ply, bestir, stickle, lay about him, earnest, in∣defatigable, take pains.
    • DOVBLE-DILIGENCE, overdoing, busie▪ pragmatical, fain, medling.
    • SLOTH, Idleness, laziness, carelessness, lither, loose, retchless, dreaming, Drone, Sluggard, Truant, loiter.

The Vniversality required to vertuous Actions, in respect of the Object.

  • INTEGRITY, Honesty, intire, equal, impartial, incorrupt, upright.
  • PARTIALITY, unequal, making a difference, accepting of persons.

Time of continuance▪

  • CONSTANCY, •erseverance, Stability, Steadiness, stedfast, firm, fixed, sure, certain, resolute, inflexible, unchangeable, abide, persist, hold out, stand out, stay by, stick to, unwearied, indefatigable.
    • PERTINACY, Obstinacy, Contumacy, pervicacious, peremptory, stiff, wilful, inexorable, inflexible.
    • LIGHTNESS, Inconstancy, fickleness, levity, instability, mutabi∣lity, uncertain, unsteddy, unstable, unstedfast, unsettled, unstaid, wavering, divers, dodging, shittle, shuttle, slippery, variable, mu∣table, changeable, trifling, giddy, freakish, paltring, fast and loose.
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