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Mental breathing ( Thinking ) . mental air ( Thought ). mental eating ( sensation ) . mental digestion and absorption ( perception ) . mental metabolism ( cognition ) . mental thirst ( Curiosity ) . mental food ( Knowledge ) . mental satiety ( Satisfaction ) . mental stomach ( Recent Memory ) . mental muscle ( Strength) . mental sunrise ( Volition . mental sunset ( Sleep ) . mental afternoon ( attention ) . mental star ( Reputation ) . mental broken star ( Infamy ) . mental mountain ( Anxiety ) . mental moon ( Smart ) . mental well or underground ( hell ) . mental clouds ( Heaven ) . mental darkness ( Unconscious ) . mental sound ( Mental voice or sound mind ) . mental block (Mental disabilities) . mental dumbness ( Insane or soundless mind ) . mental hunger ( Desires ) . mental bed ( lazy ) . mental chair ( boss ) . mental hammer ( Stress ) . mental strings tension ) . mental gun ( Violence ) . mental flag ( Citizen ) . mental wall ( Hesitation ) . mental bell ( Danger ) . mental money ( greed ) . mental lock ( problem ) . Mental key ( Solution ) . mental hand single ( Reference ) . Mental hand double ( Relations ) . mental legs ( chase ) . mental survival ( Instinct ) . Thought creation/ imaginary food creation ( creative thinking process . thought mixing ( confusion ) . thought death ( forget ) . thought paper ( thought contents ) . thought book/mental heart/Food and spirit supplier ( Wisdom ) , thought enzymes (cutters,mixers,transposition ) ( analysis ) . thought ink/food molecules ( Idea ) . thought enemy fear ) . thought friend ( trust ) . thought fruit creation( success . thought tree creation ( plan ) . thought pen creation ( Literate ) . Mental body / mental life ( Cognitive architecture ) . mental molecules/food molecules ( Mental substance ) . eating gates or windows ( Sensory organs ) . reasoning