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In linguistics, an adjective (abbreviated adj) is a word that modifies a noun or noun phrase or describes its referent. Its semantic role is to change information given by the noun.

Traditionally, adjectives were considered one of the main parts of speech of the English language, although historically they were classed together with nouns.[1] Nowadays, certain words that usually had been classified as adjectives, including the, this, my, etc., typically are classed separately, as determiners.

  1. Quantity - adjectives of number (e.g. two, ten)
  2. Opinion – limiter adjectives (e.g. a real hero, a perfect idiot) and adjectives of subjective measure (e.g. beautiful, interesting) or value (e.g. good, bad, costly)
  3. Size – adjectives denoting physical size (e.g. tiny, big, extensive)
  4. Weight - adjectives denoting weight (e.g. slim, fat, thin)
  5. Age – adjectives denoting age (e.g. young, old, new, ancient, six-year-old)
  6. Temperature - Adjectives denoting temperature (e.g. cold, warm, hot)
  7. Humidity - adjectives denoting humidity (e.g. dry, wet)
  8. Shape – adjectives describing more detailed physical attributes than overall size (e.g. round, sharp, swollen)
  9. Colouradjectives denoting colour (e.g. white, black, pale)
  10. Pattern - adjectives denoting pattern of colour (e.g. spotted, crackled)
  11. Origin – denominal adjectives denoting source (e.g. French, volcanic, extraterrestrial)
  12. Material – denominal adjectives denoting what something is made of (e.g., woollen, metallic, wooden)
  13. Qualifier/purpose – final limiter, which sometimes forms part of the (compound) noun (e.g., rocking chair, hunting cabin, passenger car, book cover)

active सक्रिय
alive जिंदा
ancestor - पूर्वज
angry गुस्सा
bad खराब
beautiful सुंदर
blunt कुंद
boring उबाऊ
brave बहादुर
calm शांत
captivity क़ैद
cheat धोखा
clean स्वच्छ
close बंद करे
cold सर्दी
confidence विश्वास
cooler शीतक
correct सही बात
courage साहस
coward डरपोक मनुष्य
crooked कुटिल
cruel निर्दयी
cry रोना
curved वक्र
dark अंधेरा
dead मरे हुए
deep गहरा
dependent आश्रित
depression डिप्रेशन
difficult कठिन
dirty गंदा
disease रोग
doubt संदेह
easy आसान
elevation ऊंचाई
empty खाली
enjoy का आनंद लें
fat मोटी
fear डर
flat समतल
freedom आजादी
full पूर्ण
good अच्छा
good अच्छा
happy शुभ स
hard मुश्किल
hate नफरत
health स्वास्थ्य
heavy हैवी
help ह मदद
hope आशा
hot गरम
humble विनीत
incorrect ग़लत
independent स्वतंत्र
intelligence बुद्धि
interesting दिलचस्प
kind मेहरबान
laugh हसना
Light रोशनी
light रोशनी
loose ढीला
love माही माही
mean मीन
new नवीन व
obedience आज्ञाकारिता
old पुराना
open खुला हुआ
passive निष्क्रिय
peace शांति
proud गर्व
rough असभ्य
round गोल
sad उदास
shadow साया
shallow उथला
shame शर्म की बात है
sharp तेज़
shine चमक
shout चिल्लाओ
slim पतला
smooth चिकनी
soft मुलायम
sour खट्टा
square वर्ग
straight सीधे
strong मजबूत
stupid बेवकूफ
sweet मिठाई
trouble मुसीबत
ugly कुरूप
war युद्ध
warm गरम
weak कमज़ोर
whisper फुसफुसाना
win { जीत
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  • adjective.1626274934.txt.gz
  • 2021/07/14 15:02
  • brahmantra