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english hindi Mantrakshar notes
ova अंडाणु
intracellular fluid अंतःकोशिकी द्रव्य
nectar अमृत
acid(fluid) अम्ल
moist आर्द्र
tissue fluid ऊतकों का द्रव
Raw कच्छ
slime कर्दम
mud कीचड़
sludge कीचड़
cytoplasm कोशिका द्रव्य
fog कोहरा
mist कोहरा
base(fluid) क्षार
cough खांसी
blood खून
mixture घोलुवा
Chahla चहला
alkali छार , क्षार
poison ज़हर
gel जेल
waterfall झरना
lake झील
bouillon झोल
fluid तरल
pond तालाब
oil तेल
sputum थूक
swamp दलदल
curd दही
yogurt दही
milk दूध , दुग्ध
liquid द्रव्य
slew धसान
haze धुंध
river नदी
humid नमी
sweat पसीना
aqua पानी
Water पानी
pus पीब , पीव , पीप
protoplasm पुरस
pus पूय
beverage पेय
urine पेशाब
paste पेस्ट
plasma प्लवक
rainfall बरसा
mucus बलगम
extracellular fluid बहीः कोशिकीय द्रव
rain बारिश
drop बूंद
dirt मल
cream मलाई
pus मवाद
marmalade मुरब्बा
urine मूत्र , मूत
blood रक्त
serum रक्तोद
juice रस
soup रसम
poultice लप्सि
lymph लसीका
blood लहू
saliva लार
jelly लुआब
rain वर्षा
toxin विष
venom विषण्ण
semen वीर्य
potion शर्बत
sperm शुक्राणु
broth शोरबा
extract सत्त
sea समुद्र
marine समुद्री
ocean सागर
cement सीमेंट
sebum सेबम
sweat स्वेद
hydro हाइड्रो
elixir हीर
  • 1.आबखोरा (ābkhorā) = mug, pot;
  • 2.आबहवा (ābhavā) = climate;
  • 3.पंजाब (Panjāb) = Punjab (Land of five Rivers)
  • 4.अब्ज
  • 5.अप्सरा


1.elixir 2.amrith 3.potions 4.love potions 5.fictional poisons

Analogical Usage


Sanskrit Words

Other Language source


autumn winter


english hindi Mantrakshar notes
absorb सोख लेना
adsorb सोखना
Aspiration आकांक्षा
bleed ब्लीड
boil उबालना , खौलना
colour रंग
cool ठंडा
drink पीना
empty खाली
fill भरना
filter फिल्टर
Flow प्रवाह , बहाव , बह
freeze जमना
infuse पानी में डालना
inject सुई लगाना
leak रिसाव
lick चटना
melt पिघल
mix मिक्स
ooze रसना
paint रंग
paste पेस्ट
pour उंडेलना , ऊढ़ेलना
rain वर्षा
sail जलयात्रा
skid फिसलने की क्रिया
slip चूक
sneeze छींक
spill शलाका
spit थूक
spray फुहार
sprinkle छींटे डालना
squeeze निचोड़
stain दाग
sterilize जीवाणुरहित
suck चूसना
vomit उलटी करना
water पानी

IV To the word WATER, as it denotes the watry part of this Terre∣strial Globe, may be adjoyned the word SEA, Marine, Maritim; which de∣notes the more general name of the greater parts of Water, as Country or Region does of Land.

The more considerable Notions under this Head may be distinguished as the other, with respect to its

Figure, ‖ whether equal or unequal, Convex or Concave. 1. AEQUOR, Calm Sea, Smooth Sea. WAVE, Billow, Surge, Vndulation, Rough. WHIRL-POOL, Vorago, Gulf, Swallow. Boundaries, or adjacent Land; which is either On all sides, whether Great, ‖ more great, or less great. 2. OCEAN, Main-sea. LAKE, Meer, Pond, Plash. Less, ‖ whether obround and deep, or oblong. 3. WELL, Head. SPRING, Fountain, Source, Rivulet. On three sides, ‖ greater, or less. 4. BAY, Gulf, Creek, Arm of the Sea, Harbour, Port, Key. PENE-LAKE, Haven, Harbour, Port, Key. On two sides, ‖ greater, or less 5. FRETUM, Streight, Narrow sea, Sound. CHANNEL. On one side, either according to the more general name, or that parti∣cular kind which is sometimes higher, and sometimes lower upon the Land. 6. SHORE, Margo aquea. TIDE, Ebb, Flow, High-water, Low-water, Neap-tide, Spring-tide. Motion or Rest; whether constantly moving, or generally at rest 7. STREAM, River, Brook, Current, flow, pour, gush, Bourn, Rill, Rivulet, Eddy, Gullet, Flood, Deluge, Inundation, Torrent, Ca∣taract, Water-course, Running-water. STAGNUM, Pool, Puddle, Pond, stagnate, standing-water, Dead-water.

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  • water.1629993210.txt.gz
  • 2021/08/26 15:53
  • brahmantra