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trash:medicaldictionary:words_starting_with_f [2024/08/28 14:06] – removed - external edit (Unknown date) | trash:medicaldictionary:words_starting_with_f [2024/08/28 14:06] () – ↷ Page moved from medicaldictionary:words_starting_with_f to trash:medicaldictionary:words_starting_with_f brahmantra | ||
1: | 1: | ||
+ | | No:653 - facial | | (L. facialis from facies face) of or pertaining to the face. | | ||
+ | | No:654 - factor | | (L. ' | ||
+ | | No:655 - faecal | | pertaining to or of the nature of feces. | | ||
+ | | No:656 - feces | | (L. faeces, pl. of faex refuse) the excrement discharged from the intestines, consisting of bacteria, cells exfoliated from the intestines, secretions, chiefly of the liver, and a small amount of food residue. | | ||
+ | | No:657 - fasciculation | | a small local contraction of muscles, visible through the skin, representing a spontaneous discharge of a number of fibres innervated by a single motor nerve filament. | | ||
+ | | No:658 - fatal | | causing death, deadly; mortal; lethal. | | ||
+ | | No:659 - febrile | | (L. febrilis) pertaining to or characterized by fever. | | ||
+ | | No:660 - feedback | | the return of some of the output of a system as input so as to exert some control in the process. | | ||
+ | | No:661 - femoral | | (L. femoralis) pertaining to the femur, or to the thigh. | | ||
+ | | No:662 - fermentation | | (L. fermentatio) the anaerobic enzymatic conversion of organic compounds, especially carbohydrates, | ||
+ | | No:663 - ferriprive | | suffering from, or characterized by iron deficiency. | | ||
+ | | No:664 - fertility | | the capacity to conceive or induce conception. | | ||
+ | | No:665 - fibrillation | | a small, local, involuntary contraction of muscle, invisible under the skin, resulting from spontaneous activation of single muscle cells or muscle fibres. | | ||
+ | | No:666 - fibrin | | the insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen by the proteolytic action of thrombin during normal clotting of blood. Fibrin forms the essential portion of the blood clot. | | ||
+ | | No:667 - fibrinolytic | | pertaining to, characterized by, or causing the dissolution of fibrin by enzymatic action | | ||
+ | | No:668 - fibrosis | | the formation of fibrous tissue; fibroid or fibrous degeneration | | ||
+ | | No:669 - filmcoated | | coated by a thin transparent sheet of cellulose acetate or similar material with an emulsion that is sensitive to light or radiation. | | ||
+ | | No:670 - filtration | | the passage of a liquid through a filter, accomplished by gravity, pressure, or vacuum (suction). | | ||
+ | | No:671 - firstpass | | connected with the first barrier the medicine has to pass, where it is filtered. | | ||
+ | | No:672 - fissure | | (L. fissura) any cleft or groove, normal or otherwise; especially a deep fold in the cerebral cortex which involves the entire thickness of the brain wall. | | ||
+ | | No:673 - fistula | | (L. ' | ||
+ | | No:674 - fixation | | (L. fixatio) 1. the act or operation of holding, suturing, or fastening in a fixed position. 2. the condition of being held in a fixed position. 3. in psychiatry, a term with two related but distinct meanings : (1) arrest of development at a particular stage, which like regression (return to an earlier stage), if temporary is a normal reaction to setbacks and difficulties but if protracted or frequent is a cause of developmental failures and emotional problems, and (2) a close and suffocating attachment to another person, especially a childhood figure, such as one's mother or father. Both meanings are derived from psychoanalytic theory and refer to ' | ||
+ | | No:675 - flaccid | | (L. flaccidus) weak, lax and soft. | | ||
+ | | No:676 - flatulence | | (L. flatulentia) the presence of excessive amounts of air or gases in the stomach or intestine, leading to distention of the organs. | | ||
+ | | No:677 - flegmon or phlegmon | | (Gr. phlegmon) 1. a spreading, diffuse inflammatory reaction to infection with microaerophilic streptococci, | ||
+ | | No:678 - flexion | | (L. flexio) in gynaecology, | ||
+ | | No:679 - fluor albus | | (L. 'a flow', a discharge) leucorrhea. | | ||
+ | | No:680 - flush | | transient, | ||
+ | | No:681 - flutter | | a rapid vibration or pulsation. | | ||
+ | | No:682 - foetal | | of or pertaining to a fetus; pertaining to in utero development after the embryonic period. | | ||
+ | | No:683 - foetoplacental | | pertaining to the fetus and placenta. | | ||
+ | | No:684 - foetotoxic | | toxic to the foetus in utero. | | ||
+ | | No:685 - folliculitis | | inflammation of a follicle or follicles; used ordinarily in reference to hair follicles, but sometimes in relation to follicles of other kinds. | | ||
+ | | No:686 - fontanelle | | (Fr., | ||
+ | | No:687 - fraction | | in chemistry, one of the separable constituents of a substance. | | ||
+ | | No:688 - fracture | | (L. fractura, from frangere to break) a break or rupture in a bone. | | ||
+ | | No:689 - frequency | | 1. the number of occurrences of a periodic or recurrent process per unit time, e.g. the number of vibrations of a particle per second or the number of repetitions of a complete wave form (cycles) per second. 2. the number of members of a population or statistical sample falling in a particular class. 3. relative frequency; the average number of occurrences of a particular event in a large number of repeated trials. | | ||
+ | | No:690 - frigidity | | coldness; | ||
+ | | No:691 - function | | (L. functio, from fungi to do) the special, normal, or proper physiologic activity of an organ or part. | | ||
+ | | No:692 - fundamental | | pertaining to a base or foundation. | | ||
+ | | No:693 - fungicide | | an agent that destroys fungi. | | ||
+ | | No:694 - fungistatic | | inhibiting the growth of fungi. | | ||
+ | | No:695 - fungus | | a general term used to denote a group of eukaryotic protists, including mushrooms, yeasts, rusts, moulds, smuts, etc., which are characterized by the absence of chlorophyll and by the presence of a rigid cell wall composed of chitin, mannans, and sometimes cellulose. They are usually of simple morphological form or show some reversible cellular specialization, | ||
+ | | No:696 - furunculosis | | 1. the persistent sequential occurrence of furuncles over a period of weeks or months. 2. the simultaneous occurrence of a number of furuncles. | | ||