This is an old revision of the document!
- 1.sound , speak , speech , sonar , ultrasound , infrasonic , resonate , consonant , recite , spell , pronounce , dictate , incite ,phonetics , phont , announce , voice,vowels,vocals,vow,
- 2. बोलना , बोली,वाचा,वचन,भाषन,वाक्य ,स्वर , आवाज,जप ,
- 3. 口
- Nouns …. dictionary , phone ,
- A = आवाज , announce ,
- B = बोलना, बकवास, बड बड , barbarian ,
- C = call , consonant ,
- D = dictate ,
- E =
- F =
- G = गाना ,
- H =
- J =
- K =
- L =
- R =
- S =
- V = voi
- ..
- ..
- Speech difficulties …
- 1.aprosodia = a + prosody
- 2.dysprosody = dys + prosody
- 3.alogia = a + logia
- 4.alexia = a + lexia
- 5.dyslexia = dys + lexia
- 6.agraphia = a + graphia
- 7.dysgraphia = dys + graphia
- 8.graphorrhea = graph + rrhea
- 9.alalia = a + lalia
- 10.dyslalia = dys + lalia
- 11.coprolalia + phonic + tics + = copro + lalia
- 12.echolalia + phonic + tics + = echo + lalia
- 13.glossolalia = glosso + lalia
- 14.anomia = a + nomia
- 15.dysnomia = dys + nomia
- 16.apraxia = a + praxia
- 17.dyspraxia = dys + praxia
- 18.dysphemia = a + phemia
- 19.dysorthography = dys + orrhography
- 20.agrammatism = a + grammatism
- 21.anarthria = an + arthria
- 22.dysarthria = dys + arthria
- 23.agnosia = a + gnosia
- 24.asemia
- 25.aphasia + understanding language + difficulty + cortex
- 26.dysphasia = dys + phasia
- 27.logorrhea = logo + rrhea
- 28.schizophasia.. = schizo + phasia
- 29.wernickes + receptive + fluent + aphasia + sensory
- 30.broca + expressive + motor
- 31.copropraxia + motor + tics
- 32.echopraxia + motor + tics + non + rhyrhmic +
- 33. Lexilalia + phonic + tics +
- 34.echopraxia
- 35.apraxia of speech = potato , totapo
- 36.
- 1.velocity of sound
- 2.sound waves
- 3.pitch
- 4.loudness
- 5.reflection of sound ..
.. 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐 1.magical spells like (avada cadavara , wingardium leviosar ) . 2.truth potions 3.lie potion 4.funny speech potion
Analogical Usage
Sanskrit Words
Other Language source
- The branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound Acoustics
- The sound of Alligators Bellow
- The sound of Deers Bell
- The sound of Crows Caw
- The sound of Geese Cackle
- The sound of Hens Cluck
- The sound of Dolphins Click
- The sound of Frogs Croak
- The sound of Crickets Creak
- The sound of Monkeys Gibber
- The sound of Camels Grunt
- The sound of Owls Hoot
- The sound of Penguins Honk
- The sound of Cattle Moo
- The sound of Horses Neigh
- The sound of Nightingales Pipe
- The sound of Ducks Quack
- The sound of Parrots Screech
- The sound of Rats Squeak
- The sound of Birds Twitter
- The sound of Elephants Trumpet
- The sound of Mosquitoes Whine