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1.light , photo , phos ,shine , splendid , illumination , brilliant , luminous,lucid,intensity 2. चमकना , उज्जवल,रोशनी,प्रकाश 3 A = apollo B = brilliant , bright C = D = E = H = helios I = intensity L = light , lumination , luminous, lucifer M = P = photo , phospho , S = shine , sun , सूर्य , Noun …. photon , sun , helios , Phosphorus , helium , .. .. The whole world of biochemistry revolves around phosphate … bond formation and break 1.glucose – 6 phosphate , fructose – 6 phosphate , glyceraldehyde – 3 phosohate , phosphoenol pyruvate , .. .. ✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️〰️❗〰️〰️ 1.velocity of light formula 2.reflection of light and refraction of light 3.ray optics .. 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖 1.magical lights 2.shining power 3.fictional lights 4.dissapear 5.camouflage 6.appear 7.invisible ..

photophobia प्रकाशअसह्यता
photopic vision प्रद्युतिक दृष्टि
photopigment प्रकाशवर्णक
photopsia प्रकाशाभास
photopsic प्रकाशाभासी
photoreactivation प्रकाश पुनःसक्रियण
photoreceptor प्रकाशग्राही
photoscanning प्रकाश रेखाचित्रण
photosensitive प्रकाशसुग्राही
photosensitivity प्रकाशसुग्राहिता
photosensitization प्रकाशसुग्राहीकरण
photosensitizer प्रकाशसुग्राहीकारक
photosynthesis प्रकाशसंश्लेषण
phototaxis प्रकाशानुचलन
phototherapy प्रकाशचिकित्सा
phtotoxicity प्रकाश विषाक्तता
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  • light.1626872340.txt.gz
  • 2021/07/21 12:59
  • brahmantra