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- बदन , काय , जिस्म , पिंड , शरीर , धड़ , तन , देह ,
- Not determined to fore or hinder part, but common to both; ‖ the Stem-like of the Head: or the upper Convexity of Breast and Back.
- NECK ( ग्रीवा ) गर्दन , ग्रीवा , गला , गुद्दी
- middle upper
- front
- middle lower
- front
Not determined to fore or hinder part, but common to both; ‖ the Stem-like of the Head: or the upper Convexity of Breast and Back.
- स्कन्ध , कंधा , अंस , अंसफलक , स्कंदास्थि
Determined to the
- Fore-part; ‖ more general: or more specially the glandulous part designed for milk in females.
- Hinder part; more general: or more specially the Bones of it.
- पृष्ठ पीठ
- कशेरुका , रीढ़
- Lateral part ;
- काँख , बगल , काक्ष , भुजखात
नीचे का
- तोंद , जठर , उदार
- Fore-part; the concave part ‖ between the belly and thighs: or seat of the Privities between the thighs.
- वंक्षण , उरुमूल , उरुसंधि , ऊसन्धि
- जननांग क्षेत्र , SHARE, Twist.
- Hinder-part; ‖ more general: or specially the Cavity.
- चूतड़ , कूल्हा , नितंब , BUTTOCK, Breech, Haunch, Ham.
- कूल्हा , पुट्ठा , FUNDAMENT, Dock.
- Lateral part ;
- कमर , कटी
- स्तुका , श्रोणि , त्रिक ,कृत्स्न , ऊरुफलक