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Good; as good is determined by

  • mind flag balance , Law; whether according to Law, or not against it.
    • legal , LAWFULNESS , legitimate, right, canonical, orderly.
    • illegal , INDIFFERENCE, adiaphorous.
  • Custom or opinion; whether such as the generality of men do think well of and practise, or dislike and avoid.
    • DECENCY, Decorum, meet, fit, seemly, handsome, becoming, comely, goodly.
    • INDECENCY, Indecorum, unmeet, unfit, unseemly, unhandsome, uncomely, misbeseeming, ugly.

Free from evil; whether of

  • Hurt;
    • shield , SAFETY, Security, sure, tutelary, innoxious, save, protect, in∣sure, indemnifie, warrant, Sanctuary, Shelter, Refuge.
    • MIND BELL DANGER, Hazard, Peril, Ieopardy, unsafe, risk, venture, ad∣venture, endanger, expose, incur.
  • Labor and Pain; in the
    • Agent; the Doing of things with little or much labor.
      • EASINESS, Facil-ity-itate, clear, gentle, light,
      • DIFFICVLTY, Hard, uneasie, crabbed, intricate, laborious, streight, Perplexity, rub, knot, graveling, hard put to it.
    • Patient; The suffering of things with little or no labor, or with much.
      • MIND SPONGE , GENTLENESS, Easiness, softness, still, tenderly, gingerly.
      • MIND SWORD , VIOLENCE, boisterous, rough, harsh, blustering, impetuous, force, ravish.
  • Nature of the means to one another; whether mutually agreeing as ha∣ving the same kind of affections, or disagreeing as having such kind of affections as are apt to exclude one another out of the same subject.
    • CONGRUITY, Sutableness, Agreableness, Sympathy, consonant, compatible, right, apposite, fit, meet, apt, adapt, consistent, accord, conform, accommodate, comply.
    • CONTRARIETY, Repugnance, withstand, against, unsutable, Anti∣peristasis, counter, cross, incongruous, inconsistent, incompatible, interfere.
  • Vsefulness or Vnusefulness of means to an end, whether in
    • Lower degrees; when there is a fair probability that a means may either promote or hinder the end.
      • EXPEDIENCE, Convenience, behoovful, meet, fit, perquisite, requisite.
      • INCONVENIENCE, Inexpedience, unmeet, unfit, incommodious.
    • Higher degree; when there is a certain dependance betwixt the means and the end.
  • To which may be opposed that kind of nexus betwixt means and end, which is altogether uncertain and doubtful.
    • NECESSITY, needful, requisite, essential, should, must, streight, exigent, force, perquisite, pressing.
    • CONTINGENCE, Venture, adventure, may, Accident, peradventure, adventitious, fortuitous, incident, happen, perhaps.
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  • hi/difference_means.1712319567.txt.gz
  • 2024/04/05 12:19
  • brahmantra