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स्थिति (situation )
III. The mixed Notion made up of Position and Place,* or the Applica∣tion of the parts of a Body to the parts of Place, respectively, is styled SITUATION, Seat, set, site, lying, standing, pitch, plant, Position, placing; to which may be annexed, by way of affinity, that respect of the imagi∣nary face of a thing towards some other thing or place, called VER∣GENCY, tending, leaning, inclining, hanker, toward, upon that hand, Rhombe.
- Special; with relation to the several parts of any thing, consider'd as a
- Line; the interjacent part: or those which are most remote from each other.
- Axial , axis , central
- distance from main axis being either
- proximal , near
- Distal , far
- facing towards or away from axis
- medial
- lateral
- situation according to axis being either
- longitudinal , vertical , upright
- transverse , horizontal
- EXTREME, Term, last, end, utter, utmost, peripheral
- END, final, last, extremity, ultimate, surcease, terminate, expire, in fine.
- Superficies; the outmost parts of which, being considered either with relation to the thing it self: or some other thing to which it is ad∣joyned, is commonly styled
- SIDE, Flank, Wing, Cheek, lateral, collateral, Limb, Rim, Brim, Brink, Edge-wise, Hem, Ridg, Skirt, Lift, Selvage, Welt, Gard, Eaves, Battlement.
- MARGIN, Limit, Marchess, Border, Verge, Meer, Bound, Term, Front-ier, Land-mark, adjacent, abutt, confine, Purliew.
- Body;
- In general; either as to such parts as are
- Living Bodies; specially animals, with relation either to
- Living bodies ; specially bi-pedals like men , with relation either to
- The resting end ;
- BOTTOM, Base, Lower end, Pedestal, Foot, Sole.
- The Growing end ;
- head , crown , tip , top , cranial
- The Advancing end ;
- FORE-PART, Front, frontal , Frontispiece, Prow, Van-tguard, Van∣ward, foreward.
- The Trailing end ;
- HINDER-PART, Back, Rere, rereward, endorse, last, Poop, Posterior , occipital
- RIGHT SIDE, Dexter, Starrbord.
- LEFT SIDE, Sinister, Larrbord.