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en:template:mind [2024/08/21 07:03] – brahmantra | en:template:mind [2024/08/21 07:48] () – [MIND] brahmantra |
====== MIND ====== | |
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[[:en:template:mind | mind ]] | |
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Mental breathing ( [[:en:thinking|Thinking]] ) . mental air ([[:en:thought | Thought ]]). mental eating ( [[:en:sensation| sensation ]]) . mental digestion and absorption ([[:en:perception | perception ]]) . mental metabolism ( [[:en:cognition | cognition ]] ) . mental thirst ( [[:en:curiosity | Curiosity ]] ) . mental food ([[:en:knowledge | Knowledge ]] ) . mental satiety ([[:en:satisfaction | Satisfaction ]] ) . mental stomach ([[:en:memory | Recent Memory ]]) . mental muscle ([[:en:strength | Strength) ]] . mental sunrise ([[:en:volition | Volition ]] . mental sunset ([[:en:sleep | Sleep ]] ) . mental afternoon ([[:en:attention | attention ]] ) . mental star ([[:en:reputation | Reputation ]] ) . mental broken star ([[:en:infamy | Infamy ]]) . mental mountain ([[:en:anxiety | Anxiety ]]) . mental moon ( [[:en:smart | Smart ]] ) . mental well or underground ([[:en:hell | hell ]]) . mental clouds ([[:en:heaven | Heaven ]]) . mental darkness ([[:en:unconscious | Unconscious ]]) . mental sound ([[:en:mental_voice | Mental voice or sound mind ]]) . mental block ([[:en:mental_disabilities|Mental disabilities]]) . mental dumbness ([[:en:insane | Insane or soundless mind ]] ) . mental hunger ([[:en:desires | Desires ]]) . mental bed ([[:en:lazy | lazy ]]) . mental chair ([[:en:boss | boss ]]) . mental hammer ([[:en:stress | Stress ]]) . mental strings [[:en:tension | tension ]]) . mental gun ([[:en:violence | Violence ]]) . mental flag ([[:en:citizen | Citizen ]]) . mental wall ([[:en:hesitation | Hesitation ]]) . mental bell ([[:en:danger | Danger ]]) . mental money ([[:en:greed | greed ]]) . mental lock ([[:en:problem | problem ]] ) . Mental key ([[:en:solution | Solution ]]) . mental hand single ([[:en:reference | Reference ]]) . Mental hand double ([[:en:relations | Relations ]]) . mental legs ([[:en:chase | chase ]] ) . mental survival ([[:en:instinct | Instinct ]]) . Thought creation/ imaginary food creation ( [[:en:creative_thinking_processes| creative thinking process ]] . thought mixing ([[:en:confusion | confusion ]]) . thought death ([[:en:forget | forget ]]) . thought paper ( [[:en:thought_contents|thought contents]] ) . thought book/mental heart/Food and spirit supplier ([[:en:wisdom | Wisdom ]]) , thought enzymes (cutters,mixers,transposition ) ([[:en:analysis | analysis ]]) . thought ink/food molecules ([[:en:idea | Idea ]]) . thought enemy [[:en:fear | fear ]]) . thought friend ([[:en:trust | trust ]]) . thought fruit creation([[:en:success | success ]] . thought tree creation ([[:en:plan | plan ]]) . thought pen creation ([[:en:literate | Literate ]]) . Mental body / mental life ([[:en:cognitive_architecture | Cognitive architecture ]]) . mental molecules/food molecules ([[:en:mental_substance | Mental substance ]]) . eating gates or windows ([[:en:sensory_organs | Sensory organs ]]) . [[:en:reasoning | reasoning ]] | |
* zeroid mind ([[:en:nothingness | nothingness ]]) | |
* [[:en:mental_rooms| mental rooms ]] > [[:en:conscious_mind | सचेतन (conscious )]] > [[:en:preconscious_mind | अर्धचेतन या पूर्वचेतन (subconscious or semiconscious or preconscious )]] > [[:en:unconscious_mind | अचेतन (unconscious ) ]] | |
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. [[:en:ability | Ability ]] . [[:en:aptitude | Aptitude ]] . [[:en:attitude | Attitude ]] – Concept in psychology and communication studies | |
. [[:en:behaviour | Behavior ]] . [[:en:cognitive_style | Cognitive style ]] . [[:en:common_sense | Common sense ]] . [[:en:experience | Experience ]] – Conscious event, perception or practical knowledge | |
. [[:en:instinct | Instinct ]] . [[:en:intelligence | Intelligence ]] . Metacognition . Mental image | |
. [[:en:mindset | Mindset ]] . [[:en:preference | Preference ]] . [[:en:rationality | Rationality ]] . [[:en:skill | Skill ]] . [[:en:wisdom | Wisdom ]] . [[:en:sapience | Sapience ]] | |
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