PRESENT, at this time, now, immediately, instantly▪ current, ready. | |
PAST, expired, former, fore-going, ago, already, even now, hereto∣fore, gone, over, out, a-late, erewhile, long since. | |
FVTVRE, time to come, after-time, hereafter, presently, anon, by and by, shortly, straitway, ere long, henceforth, process of time, after a long while. | |
SIMULTANEOUS, of the same time, Synchronism▪ contemporary, compatible, consist, together, concomitant. | |
PRECEDING, antecedent, former, foregoing, previ∣ous, Priority, before, take place, get the start, Predeces∣sor, premise. | |
SVCCEEDING, latter, Posteriority, succedaneous, hinder, follow, go after, Successor. | |
NEWNESS, Renovation, innovate, renew, anew, Neoteric, Neo∣phyte, novel, Novice, Puny, modern, fresh, upstart, green, late, last, a little while ago. | |
OLDNESS, ancient, Antiquity, pristin, senior, stale, inveterate, of long standing, yore, obsolete, out of date, a long while ago. | |
SOONNESS, sudden, early, rath, betimes, forthwith, shortly, pre∣sently, eftsoon, quickly, in a trice, out of hand, imminent, immedi∣ate, incontinent, instant, ready, anticipate, accelerate, put on, rid way, in the turning of a hand, twinckling of an eye, timely, spee∣dily, in hast, after a little time. | |
LATENESS, tardy, last, adjourn, defer, delay, put off, out of date, di∣latory, procrastinate, prolong, prorogue, protract, respite, retard, after a long while, far in the day. | |
DATE. | |
EPOCHA, Hegira. | |
PERMANENCY, lasting, abiding, continuing, durable, stay, remain, persevere, enduring, incessant, indelible, perennial, tedious, hold out, of standing. | |
TRANSITORINESS, fading, flitting, frail, glance, transient, temporary, short, for a spirt, for a little while, quickly gone. | |
FREQUENCY, often, ever and anon, thick, rife, common, recourse, resort. | |
SELDOMNESS, rare, scarce, strange, unusual, thin, desuetude. | |
PERPETUITY, continual, incessant, still, at all times, alwayes. | |
AT TIMES, temporary, by snatches, by fits, bout, ever and anon, now and then, respit, sometimes. | |
EVERNESS, Eternity, endless, for ever and ever, always. | |
PRESENCE, face to face, at hand, here, hand to hand, confront, rea∣dy, residence. | |
ABSENCE, Mich, away, non-residence. | |
CONTIGUITY, touch, contact, hit, joyn, close, grazing. | |
DISTANCE, off, keep off, bear off, stave off, way off, set farther, stand away. | |
NEARNESS, Vicinity, Propinquity, Proximity, nigh, next close, ad∣jacent, adjoyn, neighbour, imminent, impendent, immediate, ready at hand, accost, draw on, approach, at, by, hard-by, besides, hithermost. | |
REMOTENESS, far, farther, aloof, wide of, distant, outmost, ulti∣mate, great way off. | |
HOME, Scene. | |
RISE, Source, Country, Original, Spring, Root. | |
AMPLENESS, spacious, large, burly, wide, vast. | |
NARROWNESS, close, scantness, strictness, restrained. | |
OBVIOUSNESS, common, rise, thick. | |
RARENESS, seldom, scarce, thin. | |
CONTINUANCE, produce, subsist, along, close. | |
DISCONTINUANCE, by coasts, sparsim, cease, pause, respit, break off, intermit, interrupt. | |
UBIQUITY, Omnipresence. | |
EAST Orient. | |
WEST, Occidental. | |
NORTH, Septentrional, Arctic. | |
SOVTH, Meridional, Antarctic. | |
Axial , axis , central | |
proximal , near | |
Distal , far | |
medial | |
lateral | |
longitudinal , vertical , upright | |
transverse , horizontal | |
MIDDLE, Intermediate, Mean, Core, Heart, Wast, main body, Noon, between both, Interim, Interval. | |
EXTREME, Term, last, end, utter, utmost, peripheral | |
END, final, last, extremity, ultimate, surcease, terminate, expire, in fine. | |
BEGINNING, First. | |
SIDE, Flank, Wing, Cheek, lateral, collateral, Limb, Rim, Brim, Brink, Edge-wise, Hem, Ridg, Skirt, Lift, Selvage, Welt, Gard, Eaves, Battlement. | |
MARGIN, Limit, Marchess, Border, Verge, Meer, Bound, Term, Front-ier, Land-mark, adjacent, abutt, confine, Purliew. | |
UPPER-SIDE, Ridge, above, vertical. | |
VNDER-SIDE, lower, neather, bottom. | |
IN-SIDE, internal, intrinsecal, inward, inner, inmost, intestine, | |
OVT-SIDE, external, extrinsecal, outward, outmost, utter, ut∣most, Surface, superficial, exterior, ambient. | |
CRANIAL , TOP, Tip, Head, Crown, Vpper end, Knap, Apex, Vertical, Chapiter. | |
ROSTRAL , Beak , Face | |
CAUDAL , Buttocks , Anus , tail end | |
Ventral , belly , Anterior | |
Dorsum | |
BOTTOM, Base, Lower end, Pedestal, Foot, Sole. | |
head , crown , tip , top , cranial | |
FORE-PART, Front, frontal , Frontispiece, Prow, Van-tguard, Van∣ward, foreward. | |
HINDER-PART, Back, Rere, rereward, endorse, last, Poop, Posterior , occipital | |
RIGHT SIDE, Dexter, Starrbord. | |
LEFT SIDE, Sinister, Larrbord. |