UNder this Head of PROVISIONS (Accommodations, Equipage, fur∣nish, provide, procure, purvey,) are comprehended some of the same kinds of things as under the former, with this peculiar Difference, That several of the particulars under this are more occasional and transient,and not of such continual usefulness as those under the other. These are distinguishable into such as
VI. The last Head of COMMON MIXED Materials, must be acknow∣ledged to be a very Heterogeneous heap.* But the several particulars under it being very necessary in their kinds, and not reducible to any of the other Heads, I am forced to put them together here, not knowing at present how to reduce them more properly. They are distinguishable by their Ends or Uses; being such Provisions as concern
Food for Cattel; either ‖ of dried Grass: or dried stems of Grain.
HAY, Fodder.
STRAW, Fodder, Halm, Litter, Thatch.
Warmth, and preparing of
Food for men.
FEWEL, Firing, Logg, Collier, Woodmonger.
Giving of
Light; being made either ‖ of the dried Fat of Animals: or of Oil.
CANDLE, Link, Taper, Torch,
Light, Lanthorn.
Curing of Wounds or Sores by outward application, being a Confection of Medicaments, which is sometimes spread upon some Vest matter.
SALVE, Vnguent, Ointment.
PLASTER, Cataplasm, Serecloth, Poultis.
Cleansing or stiffening of Clothes.
Communication by Writing; denoting either the
Ornament; by representation of the likeness of things ‖ in plain: or in solid.
PICTURE, Pourtraiture, Effigies, Draught, Map, Chart, Landscap, Em∣blem, Image, Projection, Scheme, Diagram, Analem, Arras, Enammel.
IMAGE, Statue, Puppet, Idol, Coloss, Crucifix.