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en:parotid_gland [2023/06/14 05:33] brahmantraen:parotid_gland [] () – - ()
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-====== PAROTID GLAND ====== 
-{{ :maps:parotid_region_.svg |}} 
-parotid region 
-  * features 
-  * largest of salivary gland 
-  * situated below external acoustic meatus 
-  * between the ramus of mandible and sternocleidomastoid 
-  * skin over gland supplied by greater auricular nerve 
-  * structures within parotid gland 
-  * arteries 
-  * external carotid artery enters gland through posteromedial surface 
-  * maxillary artery leaves the gland through its anteromedial surface 
-  * superficial temporal artery gives transverse facial artery and emerges at the 
-  * anterior part of superior surface 
-  * veins 
-  * retromandibular vein is formed within the gland 
-  * union of 
-  * superficial tempora and maxillary veins 
-  * in lower part of gland vein divides in t 
-  * these emerge close the apex (lower pole 
-  * anterior division 
-  * posterior division 
-  * nerve 
-  * facial nerve is the nerve of second branchial arch 
-  * leaves the skull by passing through stylomastoid foramen 
-  * extracranial course 
-  * 1. crosses the lateral side of base of styloid process 
-  * then enters the posteromedial surface of partodi gland 
-  * branches at its exit from stylomastoid foramen 
-  * communicating branches with adjacent cranial and spinal nerves 
-  * posterior auricular nerve arises just below the stylomastoid foramen 
-  * ascends between mastoid process and external acoustic meatus 
-  * supplies 
-  * auricularis posterior 
-  * occipitalis 
-  * intrinisic muscles on back of auricle   
-  * digastric branch arises close to previous nerve 
-  * short and supplies posterior belly of digastric 
-  * stylohyoid branch arises with digastric branch 
-  * long and supplies stylohyoid muscle 
-  * terminal branches 
-  * temporal branches cross zygomatic arch and supply 
-  * auricularis anterior 
-  * auricularis superior 
-  * intrinsic muscles on the lateral side of ear 
-  * frontalis 
-  * orbicularis oculi 
-  * corrugator supercili 
-  * zygomatic branches 
-  * run across zygomatic bone 
-  * supply orbicularis oculi 
-  * buccal branches are two in number 
-  * marginal mandibular branch 
-  * runs below the angle of mandible 
-  * deep to platysma 
-  * crosses body of mandible supplies 
-  * muscles of lower lip and chin 
-  * cervical branch 
-  * emerges from apex of parotid gland 
-  * runs downwards and forwards in the neck to supply platysma 
-  * bells palsy 
-  * sudden paralysis of facial nerve at stylomastoid foramen 
-  * results in asymmetry of corner of mouth 
-  * inability to close eye 
-  * dissapearance of nasolabial fold 
-  * loss of wrinkling of skin of forehead on same side 
-  * nerve supply 
-  * parasympathetic nerves are secretomotor 
-  * reach the gland through auriculotemporal nerve 
-  * preganglionic fibres begin in inferior salivatory nucleus 
-  * pass through glossopharyngeal nerve 
-  * tympanic branch 
-  * relay in otic ganglion 
-  * sympathetic nerves 
-  * postganglionic 
-  * vasomotor 
-  * derived from plexus around middle meningeal artery 
-  * travel along branches of maxillary,external carotid artery and their branches 
-  *   
-  * sensory nerves 
-  * to the gland come from 
-  * auriculotemporal nerve 
-  * parotid fascia innervated by sensory fibres of great auricular nerve 
-  * parotid duct or stensons duct 
-  * superiorly 
-  * accessory parotid gland 
-  * transverse facial vessels 
-  *   
-  * upper buccal branch of facial nerve 
-  * inferiorly 
-  * lower buccal branch of facial nerve 
-  * anterior border of masseter 
-  * parotid duct turns medially and pierces   
-  * buccal pad of fat 
-  * buccopharyngeal fascia 
-  * buccinator 
-  * contains 
-  * largest salivary gland 
-  * histology 
-  * it is a serous acini 
-  * external features 
-  * surfaces 
-  * superior (base of pyramid) 
-  * forms the upper end of the gland 
-  * small and concave 
-  * related to cartilaginous part of external acoustic meatus 
-  * posterior surface of temporomandibular joint 
-  * superficial temporal vessels 
-  * auriculotemporal nerve 
-  * superficial 
-  * largest surface 
-  * covered by 
-  * skin 
-  * superficial fascia 
-  * containing anterior branches of great auricular nerve 
-  * preauricular or superficial parotid lymph nodes 
-  * posterior fibres of platysma 
-  * risorius 
-  * parotid fascia which is thick and adherent 
-  * anteromedial 
-  * grooved by posterior border of ramus of mandible 
-  * related to 
-  * masseter 
-  * lateral surface of temporomandibular joint 
-  * posterior border of the ramus of mandible 
-  * medial pterygoid 
-  * emerging branches of facial nerve 
-  * posteromedial 
-  * moulded to mastoid 
-  * moulded to styloid processs 
-  * structures attached to them 
-  * related to 
-  * mastoid process 
-  * sternocleidomastoid 
-  * posterior belly of digastric 
-  * styloid process with structures attached to it 
-  * external carotid artery and facial nerve 
-  * enter the gland through this surface 
-  * internal carotid artery lies deep to styloid process 
-  * relations 
-  * borders 
-  * anterior 
-  * separates superficial surface from anteromedial surface 
-  * extends from anterior part of the superior surface to the apex 
-  * following structures emerge at this border 
-  * parotid duct 
-  * terminal braches of facial nerve 
-  * transverse facial vessels 
-  * posterior 
-  * separates superficial surface from posteromedial surface 
-  * overlaps sternocleidomastoid 
-  * medial / pharyngeal edge 
-  * - separates anteromedial surface from posteromedial surface 
-  * sep 
-  * related to lateral wall of pharynx 
-  * blood supply 
-  * parotid lymph nodes 
-  * parotid abscess 
-  * caused by spread of infection from opening of parotid duct 
-  * drained by making holes (hiltons method) 
-  * mixed parotid tumour is slow growing tumour 
-  * parotid calculi may be formed in the parotid duct 

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  • en/parotid_gland.1686720800.txt.gz
  • 2023/06/14 05:33
  • brahmantra