Divers things at the same time; whether such kind of Actions as from the nature of the Agents or Patients, may be called


Corporeal; denoting the

Causing of things to be together or asunder.

Continuing them together or asunder.

Both Corporeal and Mental; with respect to the

Taking in of several things, or the leaving out of some.

Putting of things together, the better to judge of their likeness or unlikeness, or examining of them for the distinguishing of that which is right and true.

The same things at divers times, whether the same as to

Substance; signifying either the doing of the same thing several times, or the making of a thing to be different at one time from what it was before.

Quantity; The giving back of the very same thing, or of something else equal to it.

Quality; endeavouring to shew how another thing is, or to do the like.

Vse; as means to an end, The making of a thing more fit or less fit for its end.