THat Action whereby things do pass from one place to another is styled MOTION, move, remove, stir,, wag, shake, quetch, shog, jog, start, jerk,*budge, dislodge, flitting, shuffle, shuttle, rummage, agitation, going, passing, transferr, place, make a stirr.
REST, Quiet, still, unmoved, repose, sedate, settle, stand, stay, stand or ly still, Requiem, ease, Pause, acquiesce, settle, sit, lodge, lull, Sabbath, dead of the night, take rest.
Beasts; more perfect: or imperfect.
Birds; in the
fish; either more generally within the water: or more specially down∣wards into it.
Insects; as
Though each of these Motions do principally belong to such kinds of li∣ving Creatures, yet are they not so to be restrained to them but that they may be truly ascribed to others.
Lesser: or greater degrees of Velocity.
Different Motion of the four legs; when either those of one side move together: or when they move cross and diagonally.
Different Extensions of the body according to height: or of the legs ac∣cording to wideness.
Different Modes, whether more regular: or irregular.
On a very smooth Plain.
On a difficult Declivity, ‖ upwards: or downwards.