THat respect wherein one man may stand to another, according to the first and most natural kind of association of men into Families,* is styled OECONOMICAL RELATION, Family, Houshold, domestic, menial, House, Home.
The Notions belonging to this Head, may be distinguished into such as sig∣nifie; either
II. Those respects which do either refer unto or arise from a state of Marriage,* whereby persons are mutually ingaged to Fidelity and Con∣stancy, are styled Relations of AFFINITY, Alliance, Kindred.
These are distinguishable into such as do concern either
That state preceding whereby persons are rendred capable of it as to their ‖ not being married: or not having coupled with any other
life, Bachelour, Damosel, Maid.
The endeavour after Marriage; wherein, if several persons stand in com∣petition, there doth thence arise this double Relation.
The first beginning of this Affiance, by a mutual Promise in order to the consummating of it.
BETROTHED, contracted, Spouse, espouse, Affiance, sure.
The full completing of it by all its Solemnities.
MARRIED, Matrimony, Wed-ding, Match, Mate, nuptial, conjugal, Husband, Wife, Yoke-fellow, Spouse, Bride-groom, Bains, Dower, Bygamy, Polygamy, Hymen, Epithalamium.
The state resulting from a dissolution of it by
SUPERIORITY, or Inferiority. III.
III. Relations of SUPERIORITY, Betters, and INFERIORITY, Vnderlings, do originally belong to Families, in which was the first kind of Government, and from thence are derived all the secondary Relati∣ons which follow; respecting either
IV. Relations of EQUALITY or Fellowship (as was said concerning those of the former Difference) do originally belong to persons in an Oeconomical capacity;* though they are not in the strictest sense to be so confined, but they are likewise applicable to persons upon other con∣siderations.
These are founded; either upon
Mutual Love: or Hatred, which should
be chiefly upon the account of Vertue: or Vice.
ship, Confident, Privado, intimate, all one, being in with, Amity, amicable, befriend, great with, strike in with, kind▪ attone.
ENEMY, Adversary, Foe, Antagonist, Opposite, Opponent, Feud, Hostility, Odds, Spite, Enmity, being out with, fall out with, adverse party.
Conversation with others, chiefly upon the account of Pleasure; or Se∣gregation from others.
COMPANION, Compeer, Associate, Fellow, Match, Mate, Consort, So∣ciety, Sociable-ness, Comrade, Collegue, Complice, Concomitant, Gossip, associate, accompany, Crew, Gang, keep company with.
SOLITARY, lonesom, alone, onely, recluse, sole, single, Solitude, by it self, retired, desolate, several, aside.
Near: or remote Habitation.
NEIGHBOUR, adjacent, vicinity.
FOREINER, Alien, exotic, extraneous, peregrine, outlandish.
Particular Knowledge: or Ignorance of others.
ACQUAINTANCE, Familiar-ity, conversant.
STRANGER, strange, alienate, unacquainted, uncouth, alien.
Dealings with others.
Oeconomical Duties referring to Education;
V. The chief Oeconomical Duties (which are likewise applicable to other Relations) are those which concern the due Government of per∣sons in this capacity,* chiefly of the inferiour and younger sort, styled by the general name of EDUCATION, institute, train, breed, bring up, semi∣nary.
Education Duties consisting in WORDS do respect either
VI. Oeconomical Duties of EDUCATION consisting chiefly in DEEDS,* may be distinguished into such as are either
Precedent; signifying the ‖ assisting: or hindring another in the
Way of doing
DIRECT, steer, guide, lead, govern.
SEDVCE, tempt, err-or, astray, mislead, deceive, delude, pervert,
be∣guile, debauch, inveigle, Mistake, Oversight, Fallacy, Sophistry, draw in, lead aside, Fools Paradice.
Will of doing.
INCOURAGE, animate, hearten, comfort, solace, abett, back, cheer, cherish, countenance, set on, stand by, patronize, quicken, excite.
DISCOVRAGE, dishearten, disanimate, weaken, discomfort, baulk, daunt, droop, quail, out of
heart, crest-faln, exanimate.
Concomitant; supporting against Evil.
Consequent; relating to the