* Measures
Foot (unit), a unit of length, now usually 0.3048 m or 12 inches
Foot of a perpendicular, in geometry, a point where perpendicular lines intersect
an alternative
name for the fotmal, a unit of
weight usually equal to 70 pounds
Foot (hieroglyph),
an ancient Egyptian symbol
Foot (mollusc), part of the typical mollusc
body plan along with the shell, viscera, and mantle
Foot (sewing), part of a sewing machine
Foot (sailing), the lower edge of a sail
Foot Clan, a
group of ninja in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series
foot, the rhythmic unit in poetry
पाद , चरण , अधमाङ्ग , पद्रथ , अङ्घ्रि , लञ्ज ,द्विपाद , पदाङ्क footmark , पादत्राण footwear , निक्रमण footstep , पद्या footsteps , पादाहति , पादाङ्गदी , पादग्रन्थि , पादमूल , पदासन , चक्रपाद
पदत्वरा ( foot speeder ) , पदत्वरा ( foot vehicle ) , वक्राङ्घ्रि crookedfoot , पिण्डपाद्य ( thick-footed ) , पद्धति , पद्य ( foot measure )