V. The mutual negotiating betwixt men in their ordinary converse with one another is styled CONTRACT,*Commerce, Entercourse, Traffic, Trade, Negotiation: to which may be annexed for affinity the most general occasion for such Intercourse, namely, the parting with one thing for the getting of ano∣ther, called EXCHANGE, barter, chaffer, cope, swap, truck, chop, Commutation, Scoursing, Bargain, Match.
General; whether
Absolute; transferring a thing from one to another; whether ‖ for his use to whom it is transferred: or for his use that transfers.
ASSIGNING, consigning, conveying, resigning, deliver, put over.
DEPOSITING, Trustee, Feoffee, enfeoff, charge, commend, recommend, entrust, commit, Fiduciary, Sequestration.
Conditional▪ ‖ giving: or having right to
an Estate after the
death of
him who disposeth of it.
BEQUEATHING, devising, Legacy, Testament, Will, Executor, Intestate.
INHERITING, Heir, hereditary, Heritage, Patrimony, Fee-simple, En∣
tail, disherit, Hereditament, Portion, Primogeniture.
Special; either by
Parting with: or procuring propriety in any thing, upon the consideration for something else to
be taken or given in exchange.
SELLING, vent, utter, Ware, Commodity, Sale-able, venal, vendible, sta∣ple, put off, retail, afford, handsel, monopoly, make mony of, serve one with.
BUYING, purchase, Cater, Chapman, Customer, engrossing, ransom, re∣deem, regrate, forestal, interlope, preemption, the refusing.
Parting with: or procuring the temporary use of something belonging to another; according to
LENDING, Loan, Creditor, prostitute, trust.
The particular kind▪ relating to some temporary reward to
be ‖ taken, and given.
DEMISING, let, let out, let to farm, lease, Lessor, Landlord, Broker, Rent, Principal, Interest, put to use.
HIRING, farming, backney, mercenary, prostitute, Tenant, Lessee, Lease, Rent, Interest, Vse, at livery, Gratis.
Bestowing skill or labour about any business: or compensating of it.
EARNING, Merit, Desert, Meed, Demerit, supererogate.
WAGES, Fee, Salary, Pension, Stipend, Vails, fare, freight, gratis.
Things; whether more
Private; to
be exhibited by the
Buyer; either ‖ the whole value: or a part of it, for assurance of the rest.
PRICE, Rate, Value, Worth, Ransom, stand in, cost, cheap, dear, preci∣ous, sumptuous, rich, inhaunce, depreciate.
EARNEST, Gage, Pledge.
Seller; either ‖ the thing bought: or some part, for security of the whole.
BARGAIN, Ware, Commodity.
SEISIN, Livery, install, admit, Entry, inthrone, inaugurate, invest.
Public; towards defraying the charge of Government; whether ‖ ordinary: or occasional.
TRIBUTE, Custom; Annates, Gabel, Excise, Toll, Impost, Publicane.
TAX, Rate, Contribution, Collection, assess, Publicane, Subsidy, Tun∣nage, pontage, pannage, Pole, Collector, Scot, Sesment.