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II. Amongst Corporeal Substances, that which is esteemed most Simple and most Perfect, whose general name is therefore frequently used to signifie a place or a state of the greatest Perfection and Happiness, together with that which in both these respects is opposite, are commonly styled
- HELL, Infernal, Stygian.
Particular kinds
Particular kinds; either
Fixed, that is to say, which do alwayes keep the same distance from one another. And these, for the better distinction and remembrance of them, are usually distributed into divers parcels or little Aggregates, called Constellations: the received names of which are, according to their imaginary Resemblances, either the proper names of Per∣sons, as Perseus, Andromeda, Orion, &c. or the names of brute Ani∣mals, as Bear, Lion, Ram, &c. or the names of Inanimate things, as Balance, Arrow, &c. which may each of them be sufficiently expres∣sed, as the things themselves are to which they are resembled, with∣out being particularly provided for in the Table. And because that great Luminary which rules the Day, with us in this System is, by the most received Hypothesis, thought to belong to this number; there∣fore may it be adjoyned, as the most considerable Particular be∣longing to this General.
- FIXED STARR, Constellation.
- SUN, Solar.
Wandring, viz. which do not alwaies keep the same distance from one a∣nother; to which may be adjoyned that other kind of Luminous Body, which is now by sufficient observation and experiment discovered to be above the Atmosphere; according to the
General names
- PLANET, Wandring starr.
- COMET, Blazing starr.
Particular kinds of Planets, being either
- Primary;
- Secondary; whether moving ‖ about the Earth, or about any other Planet,
- MOON, Lunar.