
*II. The Space wherein any thing is contained, is called PLACE, Room, local, standing, station, precinct, set, put, position, lay, dispose, pitch, plant Guns, dislocate, Prospect.

It is distinguishable, as the former, according to the more

  • Simple differences of it; denoting that place; ‖ wherein we are: or out of which we are.
    • उपस्थित , PRESENCE, face to face, at hand, here, hand to hand, confront, rea∣dy, residence.
    • अनुपस्थित , ABSENCE, Mich, away, non-residence.
  • Mixed relations of it.
    • Comparative; betwixt the
      • Existence of several things; ‖ whether both together in the same place: or in divers places.
        • CONTIGUITY, touch, contact, hit, joyn, close, grazing.
        • दूर , दुरन्त , दुरस्थ , परंथ DISTANCE, off, keep off, bear off, stave off, way off, set farther, stand away.
      • Consideration of Distance or Place interposed, according to the diffe∣rences of ‖ Little: or Much.
        • पास , निकट , समीप , निकट , उपान्तिम , करीब , परिपार्श्व , हिरुक् NEARNESS, Vicinity, Propinquity, Proximity, nigh, next close, ad∣jacent, adjoyn, neighbour, imminent, impendent, immediate, ready at hand, accost, draw on, approach, at, by, hard-by, besides, hithermost.
        • REMOTENESS, far, farther, aloof, wide of, distant, outmost, ulti∣mate, great way off.
    • Absolute;
      • Particular.
        • Determinate; expressing what is the particular place ‖ to which a thing belongs: or whence it began.
          • HOME, Scene.
          • RISE, Source, Country, Original, Spring, Root.
        • Indeterminate; •xpressing only
          • The taking up of ‖ a great: or little place.
            • AMPLENESS, spacious, large, burly, wide, vast.
            • NARROWNESS, close, scantness, strictness, restrained.
          • The occurring in ‖ many: or few places.
            • OBVIOUSNESS, common, rise, thick.
            • RARENESS, seldom, scarce, thin.
      • Vniversal.
        • Collective; when a thing is continued ‖ throughout the whole place: or is only in some parts of it.
          • CONTINUANCE, produce, subsist, along, close.
          • DISCONTINUANCE, by coasts, sparsim, cease, pause, respit, break off, intermit, interrupt.
        • Distributive; when a thing is in ‖ every place: or none.
          • UBIQUITY, Omnipresence.
          • NVLLIBIETY.


स्थल मुकाम location
स्थान जगह place
क्षेत्र इलाका area
वातावरण माहौल atmosphere
स्थिति हालत condition
परिस्थिति circumstance
परिवेश अलाका surroundings
पर्यावरण माहौल environment
अंतरिक्ष खला space
गृहतल फलस्तर , फर्श floor
आधार नीव , बुनियाद base
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