Have you ever heard a story where in the land is shaped like a human body and its organs are like roads and streets . If you have not discovered it yet then this is the right time to start travelling to a country where the land is like a human body . This trip will be very interesting and adventurous so lets start our trip with our foreign girl irina and chinky along with aryan and ram

Now we are travelling in a plane and when you look at the anatomyland from aerial view(from an aeroplane),it looks like a human body standing but when you go deep in to its connections it is very complicated and its traffic and regulation is entirely controlled by its systems. so remeber now we are just studying its geography in a way.These road connections are always in parallel or in series.

As you know lands are populated by persons,each person has a different environment based on where they live. some persons environment might be a car as they are inside car on roads,some persons environment might be a house(as they are inside the house),some persons environment might be water(as they are on ships). as we have already studied cell to person analogy

Before we go further we landed on a bony airport from the aeroplane from where we entered the roads of human body through veins and arteries , here comes the railways and cars route from these streets we cannot travel through airplanes .. so we have to travel through car and buses.. Before we go further i want to ask a question what is analogy and why is it necessary

Analogy is a kind of thinking process in which one teacher compares one concept with another concept which are not interrelated but behave in a same manner.

I think this is enough for those who want to understand the analogies a bit and try to implement it in your daily life for quick answers and understanding the logic behind the concepts. Now let us focus on our subject why and how can we use analogy in our subject .

The first part is choosing the topic which you want to understand and then comparing it with a common topic which people usually encounter in a day to day life .


The book is divided in to systems of human body and each chapter containing each system.

  • chapter-1=digestive system
  • chapter-2=cardiovascular system
  • chapter-3=excretory system
  • chapter-4=integumentary system
  • chapter-5=endocrine system
  • chapter-6=lymphatic and immune system
  • chapter-7=muscular system
  • chapter-8=skeletal system
  • chapter-9=nervous system
  • chapter-10=reproductive system
  • chapter-11=respiratory system
  • Each chapter is then divided in to paragraphs of organs
  • Each paragraph is then divided in to sentences for tissues
  • Each sentence is then divided in to words for cells
  • Each word is then divided in to alphabets for molecules

This whole concept is based on the analogy of language to human body.

Level-1 ATOM



SUGARS : The sequence of polysaccharides is like a crossword puzzle in which the horizontal sequence of words is a linear structure and the vertical crosswords are like branching molecules.glucose is generally represented by (Glu or G).

PROTEINS : proteins also has a sequence of amino acids,if each amino acid is represented with a letter,the sequence of letters would be represented as the sequence of protein structure.protein structure can be primary protein structure,secondary protein structure or tertiary protein structure or quarternary protein structure. Peptides : These are amino acid monomers linked by peptide bonds called as dipeptide,tripeptides and polypeptides.Proteins consist of one or more polypeptides arranged in a biologically functional way, often bound to ligands such as coenzymes and cofactors, or to another protein or other macromolecule (DNA, RNA, etc.), or to complex macromolecular assemblies.

FATTY ACIDS : fatty acids are dependent upon their number of acyl -glycerol(AG).It is three types monoacyl-glycerol(MAG), Diacylglycerol,triacylglycerol.A fatty acid is a carboxylic acid with a long aliphatic chain, which is either saturated or unsaturated. they are of types short chain fatty acids,medium chain fatty acids,long chain fatty acids . DO NOT GET CONFUSED BETWEEN FATTY ACIDS AND FATS . In biology, adipose tissue ), body fat, or simply fat is a loose connective tissue composed mostly of adipocytes.Ectopic fat is the storage of triglycerides in tissues other than adipose tissue.So the storage form of fat is triglycerides.

Nucleic Acid : nucleic acid also has a sequence which is determined by the order of nucleotides like guanine(G),cytosine(C),adenine(A) and thymine(T)

Level-3 CELL

Level-4 TISSUE

Level-5 Organs

Level-6 Systems

Chapter-1 Digestive system

Chapter 2 Cardiovascular System

Chapter 3 Excretory system

Chapter 4 Integumentary System

Chapter 5 Endocrine System

Chapter 6 Lymphatic System

Chapter 7 Muscular System

Refer : Muscular System

  • face muscles
  • eye muscles
  • nose muscles
  • mouth muscles
  • tongue muscles
  • upper limb muscles
  • lower limb muscles
  • abdomen muscles
  • back muscles
  • neck muscles

Chapter 8 Skeletal system

Refer : Skeletal System

  • skull
  • thorax
  • abdomen and pelvis
  • upper limb
  • lower limb
  • backbone

Chapter 9 Nervous system

Refer : Nervous System

Chapter 10 Reproductive system

Chapter 11 Respiratory system

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