

ab now
ābhāsē optical
abhē at the moment
abhinetā actor
abhiyān campaign
achānak suddenly, sudden
achhā good
adākārā actor
adālat court
ādān pradān exchange
ādar respect
ādarpūrn honorific
ādaryukt respectful
ādat habit
ādat barrier
ādhā half
adhik much
adhikānsh most
adhletā half lying
ādhunik modern
adhūrā unfinished
adhyakshā female manager
āēnā mirror
afvāh rumour
agal bagal here and there
āgāmē impending
āgantuk newcomer
agar if
agarbattē incense
āge in front (of), ahead
aglā next
ahm important
ahmiyat importance
ahsās feeling
ain exactly
aisā such
aitrāz objection
ajēb strange
ājkal nowadays
ajnānatā ignorance
ājtak hitherto
ājū bājū round about
ākarsak attractive
ākarsit attracted
akelepan loneliness
akhbār newspaper
ākhikār after all
ākhirē final
ākhirkār eventually
akhtiyār authority, choice
aksar often, generally
akshar letter
alag separate
albattā however
ālē high
alāvā addition
almārē wardrobe, cupboard
almadārē authority
ālū potato
ām mango
ām common, usual
āmad arrival
amal effect, action
ānā to come
anachēnhā unwanted
anaitik unethical
anban discord
and, andā egg
andar within
andāz, andāzā, andazā guess, style, manner
andekhā unseen
andhvishvās superstition
ang part
angūthē ring
anischit doubtful
anivārya compulsory
anjām result
anjān, anjānā inattentive, unknown
ānkh eye
ant end
antar difference
antarrastrēya international
antim last
anubhav experience
anubhūti feeling
anurodh appeal
anya other
āp you
aparichit unknown
āpas men among themselves
apekshā relation
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
apekshit expected
apnā own
apnānā to make one’s own
ārām se easily
are well!
arsā period
arth wealth
arzē submission
asādhāran particular
āsān simple
asar effect
āsār signs
ashlēl indecent
āshvāsan comfort
aslā real
āsmān sky
āspās round about
āsthā belief
ātā flour
ataknā to stick
athvā or
āthvēn 8th
ati very
atirikt additional
ātmā spirit
ātmarkshā self-defence
atnā to be filled, covered
atthārah 18
aulād children
auqāt times
aur and, other
aurat woman
auratzāt womankind
avāē rumour
āvājāhē coming and going
āvashyak essential
āvāz sound
aviskār invention
avval first
āyandā (in) future
āyog commission
āzmānā to test
bā- with
bābat matter
ke bābat concerning
bābū educated person
bachhā little boy
bachke rahnā to avoid
bachnā to avoid, to remain
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
bachpan childhood
badalnā to change
badan body
ke badle in exchange for
bād men afterwards
badnām infamous
bagair without
bagl side
bagēchā garden
bahānā excuse
har out, outside
bāhrē outer
bahs argument
bahsbāzē controversy
bahn sister
bahar hāl in any case, after all
bahut very
baint cane
bāis by means of
baithak sitting room
bāīs 22
baithnā to sit
ke bajāye instead of
bajānā to strike
baje o’clock
bajnā to ring, to sound
bakaul according to
bakāyā remainder
bakhiyā ability
bakhshvānā to cause to be forgiven
bāki without
bal twist
bāl hair
balātkār rape
bālig adult
balki but
bamay together with
banānā to make
band shut, bound, fastened, captured, closed
bandē slave
bāndhnā to be bound, caught, tied
bandinē prisoner
bānh sleeve
bannā to be made
banvānā to cause to be made
bāp father
bāqāydā usual
bāqē left, remaining
bār time
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
barā great
barābar similar, level with, adjoining
baragalānā to mislead
bārah 12
bārahvēn 12th
barāmad coming forth, expenses
barbādē destruction
bardāsht endurance
barhānā to increase, to cause to be moved
barhiyā excellent
barhnā to move, grow, increase
bārik delicate
bārish rain
barkhāst dismissed
barsātē porch
basānā to settle
bāsē stale
basharte on condition
bāt thing, word
batānā to state
bataur as
batuvā purse
bāvajūd notwithstanding
bayān description, account
bāyēn left
bāzār market
bāzariyā by means of
bāzū (upper) arm, shoulder, flank
ke bēch between
bechainē uneasy, unease
bechārā wretched, poor
bechnā to sell
bedāg spotless
begunāh innocent
behad extremely
behtar better
bejā wrong
berahm merciless
bēs 20
beshak certainly
betā son
betē daughter
bētnā to elapse
bevajah without reason
bevukūfē foolishness
bhābhē elder brother’s wife
bhaddā clumsy
bhāē brother
bhāg part
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
bhāgnā to run away, to rush
Bhagvān God
bhalā fine
bhamvarjāl whirlpool
bhanak rumour
bhāp steam
bhar full, throughout
bharā full, overflowing
Bhārat India
Bhāratiya Indian
bhārē massive, heavy
bharnā to fill, to pay, to apply, to be crowded
bharosā hope
bhaun eyebrows
bhāv nature
bhavisya future
bhayānak frightful
bhē too
bhediyā informer
bhēnchnā to squeeze
ke bhētar within
bhēr crush
bhētrē inner
bhūkanp earthquake
bhūkh hunger
bhūlā-bisrā quite forgotten
bhūlnā to forget, to be forgotten
bhūrā brown
bhūt demon
bichhānā to spread out
bichharnā to part from
bijlē electricity, lightning
bikharnā to be scattered
biknā to be sold
bilkul exactly, great, certainly
binā without
bistar bedding
bitānā to pass
bithānā to cause to sit
bolnā to speak
bujhnā to be subdued
bulānā to summon
bunnā to weave
burā bad
bure ke ghar house of evil
būrhā old
chabānā to chew
chāb(h)ē key
chāchā uncle
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
chāchē aunt
chādar sheet
chain peace of mind
chakhnā to experience
chakkar affair
chakkē mill
chalānā to cause to go
chālēs 40
chālēsek 41
chalnā to go, to move
chālū in force
chamak flash
chamknā to sparkle, to shine
chamrā leather
chandā contribution
chāqū knife
chār 4
charhānā to lift up
charhnā to climb, to rise
chāron taraf in every direction
chashmā glasses
chashmdēd gavāh eye witness
chatkānā to cause to be split
chaubārā assembly room
chaubēs 24
chaudah 14
chauk square
chaukas fine
chaukhat door frame
chaukon, chaukor square
chaunknā to be startled
chauthā 4th
chāval rice
chayan selection
chehrā face
chēkh shriek
chep afraid
chhah 6
chhāntnā to be curtailed
chhapnā to be printed
chharē cane
chhat roof, ceiling
chhātē chest
chhathā 6th
chhatnā to withdraw
chhātr, chhātrā student
chattān rock
chhavi image
chhēlnā to scratch
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
chhēnnā to snatch
chhēntā splash
chherchhār molestation
chhilkā shell, peel, rind
chhipānā to be hidden, to hide
chhipnā to be hidden, to hide
chholāchāp chickpeas
chhole kulche chhole kulche (Delhi street food)
chhornā to leave, to release, to lose
chhotā small
chhū karnā to exorcise
chhūnā to touch
chhupānā to hide
chhupnā to be hidden, to hide
chhupnā to be printed
chhurē knife
chhūrvānā to get rid of
chhūtnā to be released, to depart
chillānā to shout
chintā care
chiriyā bird
chiriyā khānā zoo
chittākarsak enthralling
chitkanē bolt
chitrit depicted
chitrkār painter
chitthā white
chor thief
chorē chakārē villainy
chot hurt
chuglē slander, tale-bearing
chuknā to be ended
chūmnā to kiss
chunāv election
chunindā selected
chūnki since
chunnā to choose
chupchāp silently, secretly
chūrā fragments
churail bitch
churānā to steal
chuskē sip
chutkiyon kā kām, chutkiyon men
dabānā to press
dabāū pressing
dabāv pressure
dabe pāon stealthily
dabnā to be subdued, to be pressed, to be concealed
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
dabochnā to swoop on
dāē, dāen right hand
dafā time, occasion
daftar office
dāg mark
dāgnā to fire
dāhinā right hand
khil entered
dakhl admission
dālnā to put, to carry out, to pour
dānā speck
dandā stick
dānt scolding
dāntnā to scold
dānv wager
dar fear
dar asl, darhasal in fact
darbār durbar
dārhē beard
darj record, recorded
darjā degree
darkhvāst request
darshānā to show
darshanē visible
dārū alcohol
das 10
dastarkhvān table
dasvēn 10th
daulatmand wealthy
daur stage
ke daurān during
daur ke at a gallop
daurnā to run, to travel, to flee
davā medicine
dāyen, dāyēn right, right hand
dāyrā range
dekhādekhā rivalry
dekhbhāl care
dekhnā to look
denā to give
dendārē debtor
der time, delay, late
derē late
desē indigenous
desh country
deshē regional
dhag half-way sort
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
dhajhiyon urānā to tear to shreds
dhakā shove
dhakelnā to shove
dhakkā blow
dhakkan lid, top
dhalnā to draw to a close
dhamāl merriment
dhamkē threat
dhandhā trade
dhang style
dhang se properly
dharaknā to throb
dharallā boldness
dharm religion
dhārmik religious
dharnā to hold, to place
dhārnā to wear
dhēlā unchecked
dhēmā slow
dher pile, heap
dhēre se gently
dhokhā fraud
dhokhādārē cheating
dhūl dust
dhulnā to be washed
dhun melody
dhundhlā misty
dhundhnā, dhūndhnā, dhūnrhnā to search (for)
dhūp sunshine
dhyān attention
dibbā box, can
dibbē small box
diggaj great
dikhānā to display, to cause to see
dikhnā to appear
dil heart
dilānā to cause to be given
dilchasp interesting
dilchaspē interest
dimāg brain
din day
din-badin day by day
diqqat trouble
dishā direction
divas day
do 2
dodā barfē milk fudge
dohrānā repeat
donā leaf cup
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
donon both
dopahr midday
dosh blame
dost friend
dostē friendship
do tūk bluntly
dublā patlā thin
dūbnā to sink
dūdh milk
duhrānā to repeat
dūjā other
dukān shop
dukāndār, dukāndar shopman
dukhdāē grievous
duniyā world
dūr distance, far, remote
dūrē separation
dushman enemy
dūsrā other
dvārā by means of
ehsās compassion
ek 1, a
ekādh single
ekāek suddenly
ektak fixed gaze
erē heel
faislā decision
falānā such and such
fāltū extra
farebē fraudulent, cheat
farl farl
farq difference
farz duty
farzē supposed, forged
fauran at once
fēsdē %
fidā devotion
firangi a European
fitā cursed
fizā thought
fizūl folly
gaddā mattress
gāhe bagāhe repeated
gahrā deep
gāl cheek
galā collar
galat wrong
galatbayānē false witness
galatē mistake
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
galē alley
gālē abuse
gālib triumphant
galiyārā corridor
gām village
gān song
gandā filthy
gandh smell
ganit arithmetic
garānā to pierce
gardan neck
garm hot, warm
gat last
gatāgat gurgling
gaur thought, care
gavāh witness
gavāhē evidence
gāyb lost, absent
gaz yard
gazal lovesong
ghabrāhat confusion
ghabrānā to be confused
ghanist intimate
ghantā hour
ghantē bell, ring
ghar house, home
gharē clock, time
gharē-gharē constantly
ghātā deficit
ghatanā event
ghāv wound
ghernā to surround
ghorā horse
ghoshanā message
ghoshit proclaimed
ghoslā net
ghulnā to dissolve, to mix
ghumānā to whirl round
ghūmnā to stroll about, to travel, to turn
ghūnt gulp
ghūrnā to stare
ghūsā fist
ghusānā to cram in, to enter
ghusarnā, ghusnā to slink, to thrust in, to enter
ghuspaith entry
ghuspaith kē tigarmen lagānā to keep on fighting
ginnā to count
giraftārē arrest
gird around
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
girnā to fall, to run (water)
girvānā to cause to be dropped
gobhē cabbage
gol round
golē pill, bullet
gol gale round neck
golgappā fried cake
golmol unclear
grah eclipse
grast affected
gulzar blooming
gum absent
gun property
gunā by
gunāh sin
gungunānā to hum
gūnj echo
gunsūtrā quality
gurūdvārā gurdwara
gussā anger
guzarnā to pass
gyārah 12
gyārahvēn 12th
hādasā accident
had darje kā the best/worst kind of
haftā week, Saturday
hai is
hain are
haisiyat capacity
hakkā-bakkā aghast
hal solution
hāl state
hālānki although
hālāt circumstances
hālat state, condition
hālchāl state, conduct
halfiyā bayān adjuration
hāliyā recent
halkā soft, light
ham we
hamārā our
hamdard sympathiser
hamdardē sympathy
hāmē assent
hamlā attack
hamlāvar attacker
hamlog we
hansē laughter
ha(n)snā to smile, to laugh
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
haqēqat truth, reality
haqēqatan in fact
har every
harā green
harāmē wicked
harj trouble
harkat movement, motion, behaviour
hāsil obtained
hatānā to cause to be removed
hāth hand
hathelē palm
hathiyānā to lay hands on
hathiyār weapon
hathaurā hammer
hathkarē handcuffs
hatnā to move away
havā wind, air
havālā keeping, charge
havaldār sergeant
hazār thousand
hāzirē presence
hidāyat instruction
hiddē bone
hilnā to shake
hilnā to be familiar with
hisāb calculation
honā to be
honhār likely
hosh mind, senses, consciousness
hoshyār intelligent
hoshyārē intelligence
huā, hūā was
hūbahū exactly the same as
hujjat argument
hukm order
huliyā description, appearance
hunar skill
icchā desire
idlē idli
ijāzat permission
ikatthā collected
ikyāvan 51
ilāj treatment, remedy
imārat building
imdād help
inkār refusal
insān man
intazām arrangement
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
intazār waiting
irādā intention
is he
ishārā sign
Isī Christian
isli(y)e for this reason
istemāl use
ittafāq chance, coincidence
izāfā increase
izzat honour
jab when
jābir tyrant
jagah place
jagmagā dazzling
jāgnā to wake, to stay awake
jaisā like
jāl net
jaldbāzē haste
jaldē quick, quickly
jalnā to burn, to be lit
jām goblet, glass
jamā total, assembly, collection
jamā karnā to pay
jamānā to be affixed, to be kept, to be frozen
jamūrā capital
jan person
jānā to go
janāb your honour
jānbhujnā to understand
jānbujhkar, jānbūjh kar intentionally
jānch investigation
jāngh thigh
janchnā to be tested
janglā railing
jānkārē information
janm birth
jānnā to know, to understand
jarnā to mount
jārā cold
jarvat inert
jārē current
jārē karnā to issue
jātē family, birth
jāt pānt caste
javāb answer
javān young, young man/men
javānē youth
-jē honorific
jeb pocket
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
jēt success
jētnā to win
jhagarnā to squabble
jhalak glimpse
jhalaknā to shine
jhallānā to be enraged
jhamelā mess
jhandā flag
jhānknā to glance
jhāpar slap
jhārā search
jhārē bush
jhārnā to shake, shake off
jhārū broom
jhat quickly
jhatkā jerk
jhelnā to endure
jhilmilānā to sparkle
jhonknā to toss
jhuknā to stoop, to bow
jhulas scorched
jhūmar ring dance
jhūth mūth lying
jis which
josh enthusiasm
judā apart
jugār provision
jurnā to be joined
jurvā twin
jutnā to be involved in
kā, kē of
kabaddē kabadi
kabzānā seize
kachahrē court
kachrā rubbish
kāfē enough
kāgaz paper
kahānē story
kahāvat saying
kahlānā to be called
kahnā to say, to talk
kaisā what sort
kakshā class
kal next day
kal charming
kālā black
kalāē wrist
kalākār artist
kalpnā imagination
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
kam little, less
kam se kam at least
kām work
kamāyē profits
kamāl excellence
kamānā to earn, to save
kamar waist, belt
kāmkāzē working
kamrā room
kāmyāb successful
kāmyābē success
kān ear
kānd scandal
kandhā shoulder
kangāl poor
kanjūs miser
kānpnā to tremble
kāntā fork
kāran cause, reason
karānā to cause to be done, made
karē sequence
kārēgarē workmanship
kārgar successful
kārkhānā workplace
karnā to do, to make
kārobār business
karvā bitter
karvānā to cause to be done
kārya function
kāryanavit implemented
kasailepan astringency
kasr defect
kathin difficult
kātnā to cut, to cancel
katorā bowl
katran clipping
kaun sā which (of a choice)
kautuhal curiosity
kavitā poem
ke dvārā by means of
kēl nail
kelā banana
ke liye for
kērā worm (desire)
kesh hair
keval exclusively
khabar news, information
khabardār karnā to forewarn
khader chase
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
khāk dirt, nothing
khalal breach
khalbhalē machnā to throw into a panic
khālē empty
khālis genuine
khāmkhāh silent
khāmkhayālē consternation
khān lord
khānā food, to eat, to suffer
khānābadosh nomad
khānchā groove
khāndān family
khangālnā to make a clean sweep of
kharā standing
kharāb bad
kharchā outlay
kharkānā to rattle
khatarnāk dangerous
khātir regard
khatm end
khayāl, khyāl idea
khējhnā to be irritated
khelnā to play
khēnchnā to pull, to draw, to take
khep consignment
khichrē khichri
khidmat service
ke khilāf against
khilānā to cause to eat
khilārē player
khilaunā toy
khirkē window
khiskānā remove
khojē investigative
khojnā to search, to enquire about
kholnā to open
khonā to be lost
khūb fine
khūbsūrat beautiful
khud self
khufiyā clandestine
khullā open
khulnā to open
khurāfātē trouble-maker
khush happy
khushbū fragrance, aroma
khushē happiness
ki that
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
kidhar whither, whence
kirāyā charge, fare, rent, hire
kirāyedār tenant
kirdār character
kis which
kisā some
kitāb book
ko to
koē some
konā corner
kosnā to curse
koshish attempt
kotāhē deficiency
koylā charcoal
krānti revolution
kshan moment
kshetr district
kuchh some, something, thing
kulhārē hatchet
kursē chair
kyonki because
lābhkārak profitable
laddū laddu
lādlē darling girl
lafz word
lagānā to install, to apply
lagātār successively
lagbhag almost
lagnā to feel, to be applied
lahjā tone
lākh 100000
lakrē wood
lāl red
lambā long, tall
lānā to bring, to fetch
lānghnā to jump over
parvāh indifferent
lapetnā to wrap
larāyē quarrel
larkā boy
larkē girl
larkharānā to totter
larnā to fight
lāro darling
lāsh corpse
lat lock
lat addiction
lataknā to hang
lāt kick
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
lautnā to return
lay devotion
lāyaq suitable
lāzmē necessary
lekhak author
lenā to take, to get
lihāz attention, respect
lihāzā therefore
likhānā to be written
likhāvat handwriting
likhit written form
likhnā to write
likhvānā to cause to be written
log people
logbāg ordinary people
lohā iron
lurhaknā to roll over
lutnā to be robbed
machhlē fish
mādā female
madad help
mādak intoxicating
madbharā lustful
maddenzar on account of
madhyam medium
māf excused
māfē forgiveness
magar but
mahak aroma
mahakmā department
mahangā expensive
mahārat skill
mahattvapūrn significant
māhaul atmosphere
mahēn fine
mahēnā month
mahilā woman
māhir skilful
mahsūs felt
mahz mere, merely
majbūr force
main me
makān house
mālā necklace
mālē financial
mālik, mālikan owner
mālūm known
māmlā affair, business
māmūlē ordinary
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
man heart
man mārnā to be dejected
man masosnā heart to be wrung
mān mother, honour
manā prohibited
manānā to prevail on
nasē psychologist
nav human being
mandir temple
māne meaning
mangalvār Tuesday
māngnā to ask for, to call for
mangvānā to cause to be asked for
manjhdhār midstream
mānnā to respect
māno as if
manornjak interesting
manshā intention
manzil stage, floor, goal
manzūr accepted
maqām position
maqsad purpose
maqtūl slain
mardānā manly, male
marēz sick person
kē mārfat via
marnā to die
mārnā to strike, to kill, to ruin
marzē choice
masalnā to crush
mashgūl engaged
mashhūr famous
māshūq beloved
masjid mosque
maslan for example
massā wart
mastē passion
mastishk brain
māsūm innocent
mat don’t
mātā-pitā mother and father
matar pea
mātampursē condolences
māt’hat subordinate
matlab intention, meaning
ek mātr single
mātrā dose
maujūd present, at hand
maujūdgē presence
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
mauqā occasion, opportunity
mauqayvārdāt chance event
maut death
mazāq joke
mazbūt strong
mazbūtē firmness
mazedār pleasant, amusing, delicious
mehmān guest
men in, into
mendhak frog
mēthā sweet
mez table
mezbān host
milānā to join
milnā to meet, happen with
milnā-julnā to agree
misāl example
mitānā to obliterate
mittar friend
mizāj nature
moch sprain
mohallā, muhallā street, ward
mom batte wax candle
momo momo (dumpling)
mor turn, turning point
mornā to turn
motā thick, fat, coarse, bulky
muddaā intention
mufēd profitable
muhaiyā procured
mujh me
mujrim criminal
mukarnā to refuse to admit
mukarrar a second time
mukhālifat opposition
mulāqāt meeting
mūnchh moustache
munh mouth, opening, standing
munhasir dependent
muqābalā competition
muqām position
muqarrar limited
murdāgārē hearse
murjhānā to wither
musāfir traveller
mushkil difficulty, difficult
muskān smile
muskarāhat smiles
muskarānā to smile
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
muslim Muslim
ke mutābiq according to
mutavātar continuously
mūth fist, handle
mutthē fist
nādānē stupidity
nafāsat refinement
nafrat aversion
nag gem
nahānā to bathe, to be drenched
nahēn not
nahlānā to drench
najar ānā to appear
nāk nose
nakhrā airs, performance
nakor score
nal pipe
nām name
nāmānkit named
namaste greetings
nāmē famous
namūdār apparent
nāmumkin impossible
nangā bare
nāp size
naqad cash
naqlē counterfeit
naqqāshē carving
naqqāshēdār decorated with carving
naqshā pattern
nashā narcotic
nāshtā breakfast
nātak drama
natējā result
natējatan as a result
nathnā to toil
nathunā nostril
nau 9
naubat opportunity
naujavān youth, young
naukrē employment
nāummid without hope
navāzatā favour
navāznā to bless
navēn 9th
nayā new
nazar look, sight
nazdēk near
ne indicates a nominative
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
nēche below, down
nēnd sleep
nēr nest
ras uninteresting
nichlā lower
nigāh glance
nijē personal
nikalnā to come out, to emerge
nikālnā to be brought out, to leave
nikalvānā to cause to be brought out
nikāsē exit
nimntran invitation
niptānā to complete
niqāb mask
nirbhar dependent
nirnay decision
nishān mark, scar, sign
nishānā aim
nishchest inert
nishchit settled
nivālā morsel
nivās residence
niyam restriction
niyamit fixed
niyukt appointed
numāish display
numāyān prominent
nuqs fault
or direction
orhnā to put on
ot cover
pābandē restriction
pachās 50
pachhēs 25
pachpan 55
pachrā bother
gal madman
pagrē turban
pahannā to wear
pahār mountain
pahchānnā to recognize
pahelē riddle
pahlā previous, first
pahlū side
pahnānā to cause to put on
pahrā watch
pahunchānā to cause to arrive
pahunchnā to arrive
paidā born
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
paidal on foot
paintēs 35
paintrā dodge
pair foot
paisā money
pakarnā to catch
pakarvānā to capture
pakkā cooked, ready, complete
pal moment
palatnā to turn over, to retreat
pallā edge
palvānā to cause to be brought up
pānā to accept
pānch 5
pandit pandit
pānchven, pānchvēn 5th
pānē water
panēr panir
pangā messing
panhuchnā = pahunchnā to arrive
pannā page
pānv foot
panvārē betel seller
papētā papaya tree
par at
pār next
pārā mercury
parat layer
paraunthā paratha
pare other side
parēkshā examination
parēkshak examiner
pareshān worried
pareshānē trouble
parhāē, parhāyē study
parhāē-likhāē reading and writing
parhānā to teach
parhez avoid
parhnā to read, to study
parivār family
parichit acquainted
parilakshit well-known
parivār family
parlā far
parnā to fall, to come to pass
paros neighbourhood
parosan neighbour
pās towards
pasarnā to stretch out
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
patā address, information, importance
pataknā to dash, to slam down
patanā to get along with
patāsē patasi
patrē pavement
pati husband
patiyā surface
patnē wife
patrkāritā, pattarkārtā journalism
patthā young man
paudhā plant
pāyā foot
pāydān footrest
pe on, at
pēchhe back
pēlā yellow
pēnā to drink
pench twist
pendā bottom
per tree
pesh karnā to submit
peshā occupation
peshkash offer
petā total
tal brass
pēth back
phachchar muck
phailānā to cause to be spread
phailāv expansion
phailnā to spread
phainknā to throw
phal blade
phansānā to ensnare
phānsnā to catch
pharrā sheet of paper
phe(n)knā to throw
phernā to turn, to run (a brush)
phir then, again
phirnā to walk about, to go about
phūl flower
phūldān vase
phūlnā to swell
phūnknā to blow
phūtnā to burst out, to split
pichahattar 75
pichhlā last, back
pilānā to cause to drink, to cause to take in
pitā father
pitnā to be beaten
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
ponchhnā to dust, to wipe
poshāk uniform
prabāhvit impressed
prakāshnārth for publication
prakat revealed
prakriyā process
pramānit certified
prapt obtained
prātharnā prayer
prashn question
prashnpatr question paper
pratham first
prathamākshar initials
pratibhāshālē brilliant
pratishat %
pratyaks visible
pratyāshit expected
pravachan exposition
pravesh entry
prem love
pret ghost
pūchhnā to ask
pūchhtāchh investigation
pūjā puja, act of worship
pukar calling out
pukhtā fixed
pulandā bundle
punchhnā to dust, to wipe
pūrā full, complete
purānā ancient
puriyā powder, packet
pūrvē eastern
purzā note
purzor powerful
pyār love
pyārā beloved
qabr grave
qābil noteworthy
qābilgor noteworthy
qābū grasp
qabūl, qubūl approval
qabzā grasp
qabzānā to grasp
qad stature
qadkāth tall
qadm step
qadr, qadrat extent
qarār denā to establish
qarēb near
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
qarzāyē indebtedness
qatār row, queue
qātil murderer, murder
qatl murder
qēmat value
qēmtē expensive
qurbān sacrifice
raftār speed
ragarnā to scour, to erase, to rub
rāhdārē pār karnā to cross the line
rahnā to be, to stay
rahasyamay secret
rajanēghandā nightflower
rājgar city
rājyā state
rakhnā to have, to keep, to put aside, to take
rakh rakhāv maintenance
rānē queen
rang colour
rangat colouring
rang rogan polish
rangēn colourful
raqm amount, quantity
rasiyā fan
rassē rope
rastā, rāstā way, way out
rāt night
ratnā to repeat, to learn by rote
rāy opinion, advice
rihā released
rivāj usual occurrence
roknā to stop
rogan grease
roshnē light
roz day
ruchi interest
rukhāē indifference
rukhsat permission to leave
ruknā to stop
rukvānā to cause to be stopped
rūmāl handkerchief
rūp face, expression
rupāyā, rūpē rupee
sab all
saberā early morning
sābit established
sabr patience
sabūt proof
sach true, truly, truth
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
sachhāē truth
sachmuch truly
sādh longing
sāf clean, clear, empty
safar travel
safed white
sagā related
sāgar ocean
sāhab sir, master
sahaj simple
sahārā support, aid
sahāyatā support, aid
sahē, sahēh correct, real, actual, really
sahelē a woman’s female friend
sahit together with
sai(n)krā hundred
sajā dhajā finely attired
sajdhaj fine attire
sājhedārē partnership
sajnā to be adorned
saknā to be able
sāl year
sālā wife’s brother, scoundrel
sālānā yearly
salāhkār advisor
sālē sister-in-law, bitch
salēqā skill
salvār loose trousers
samāj society
ke samaksh before the eyes of
samajhnā to consider, to understand
sāmājik social
sāmān goods, kit
sāmānya general
samasyā problem
samay time
sambhalnā to recover
sambhandē corresponding
sambhāvit possible
sambhāvnā to be similar
sametnā to gather up
samjhānā to explain, to look like, to give (an address)
samjhdārē discernment
sāmne in front of
sampann prosperous
samsthā organization
samundra sea
samyog combination
sanbhālnā to adjust, to support
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
sangathit organized
sangēt music
sānjh evening
sānjhnā to share
sanket symbol
sannātā dead silence
sānp snake
sansādhan resources
sanshay doubt
sanyog agreement
sapnā dream
saprayās good morning
sar head
sārā all
sarak road
sardār chief
sardard headache
sardē cold
sārē sari
sarhe half
sarkānā to put to one side, to pass
sarkār government (n.)
sarkārē government (adj.)
sarokār affair
sarpat at a gallop
sarv whole
sarvadā always
sasur father-in-law
sāt 7
satānā to oppress
sāth, ke sāth along with
sattā bet
sattāis 27
sātvēn seventh
sau 100
saunpnā to hand over
savā and a quarter
savāl question
savār riding, rider
sāyā shade, shadow
se of, from, about
sēdhā straight away, direct, correct
sehrā garland
sēkhnā to learn
senknā to warm
sērhē step, stair, ladder
sētē whistle
shabd word
shāgird pupil
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
shah importance
shahr city
shāhzādā prince
shaitāniyā mischief
shak doubt
shākhā division
shakhs person
shakl appearance, face
shakti power
shaktishālē powerful
shālēnatā serenity
shalvār loose trousers
shām evening
shāmil included, participating, accompanying
shanākht identity
shankā doubt
sharēk participant
sharēr body
sharm shame
shartiyā reliable
shātir rascal
shātirānā rascally
shauq fancy
shāyad perhaps
shāyrē poetry
shērs head
shēshā glass, window, mirror
shiddat severity
shikāyat complaint
shikshak teacher
shinākht identity
shor din
shurū start
shurūāt beginning
siddhi attainment
sifārish recommendation
sikhānā to instruct
sikkā coin
sikornā to purse
silsilā affair
sinkvānā to warm up
sir head
sirā end, beginning, edge
sirdard headache
sir khapānā to be a trial to
siskārē gasp
sivāy but rather
skēvē skivi
snātak graduate
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
sochnā to think
spasht distinct
star grade
sthān place
sthāpit established
sthāpnā to establish
sthāyē permanent
sthir fixed
sthit situate
sthiti situation
subah morning
subaknā to cry quietly
suchārū delightful
sūchit karnā to inform
sudhār reform
suē, sūē needle, (clock/watch) hand
sugandh fragrance
jan inflammation
sujhānā to suggest
sūjhnā to occur
sukh happiness, pleasure
sukūn peace
sulgānā to light
sunahrā of gold, gilded
sunānā to cause to hear, to announce
sūnghnā to inhale
sunnā to hear
supārē betel nut
surāg enquiry
sūrat appearance, occurrence
susjjit furnished
svāmē owner
svār voice
tablā small drum
tabdēl change
tābūt coffin
tagrā tough
tah bottom, depth, fold
tahalnā to walk up and down
taht control
tahqēqat enquiries
tairnā to float
taiyārē preparation
tajurbā experience
tak until, to
takhnā ankle
tāki so that
takiyā pillow
takkar collision
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
taklēf trouble
takrānā to confront, to meet
takrār quarrel
talā sole
talab karnā to summon
talāsh search
talāshnā to search
tālē clapping
tallā storey
tālluq connection
tālnā to put off
tamām entire
tamēz manners
tanch miserly
tandurustē vigour
tāng leg
tangnā, tāngnā to hang
tanik slightly
tankhvāh wages
tāntrik tantric
taqdēr fate
taqrēban about, almost
tār cable
taraf direction
tarah manner
taraqqē increase
tarāshnā to cut (low)
tarēqā style
tārif praise
tarjanē forefinger
tarjumānē translation
tarkēb means
tartēb arrangement
tasallēbaksh comforting
tasdēq confirming
tasvēr picture
tatkāl at that moment
tatolnā to feel for
tatpar in readiness
tai, tay completing
tavajjah, tavajjo attention
tāzgē freshness
te of, from, about
tejē se rapidly
tēn 3
terā your
terah 13
terhā bent
tēs 30
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
tēsrā 3rd
tezē speed, sharpness
tez raftār rapid
thā was
thagē imposture
thahākā guffaw
thahrānā to cause to stay
thahrnā to stay
thailē tray
thaknā to be exhausted
thakthakānā to rattle
thālē platter
thamānā to hand over, to be given
thamnā to cease
thāmnā to clutch
thānā police station
thandā cool, cold
thappar slap
tharrānā to shake
thēk, thēktāk true, exactly, fine
thekedārē contractor
thes blow
thikānā site
thiraknā to dance
thithak taken aback
thithaknā to hesitate
thok blow
thonk-bajā thumping
thorā little
tikānā to place, to lean against
tiknā to be fixed
tirchhā aslant
to however
tohfā gift
toknā to interrupt
tolē group, clique
tond pot-bellied
tontē tap
top gun
tornā to break
tuchhā base
tulsē basil
tumhārā thy
turant immediately
turat furat quickly
tūtnā to be broken
uchhālnā to toss
uchhār utterance
udhar on that side
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
udhār credit
udhernā to unravel
ujārū wasteful
ukhārnā to take out
ulatnā to upset, to turn back
umdā fine; excellent
ummēd hope
ummēdvār hopeful
umr age, time
un him/his/her
ūnchā tall, high
unchās 49
ūnē woollen
unglē finger
unhon he
ūnt camel
ūpar over, higher
upalabdh available
upānyās novel
ūparlē uppermost
urānā to fly, to cause to rise
urelnā to pour out
us that
utarnā to decrease, to come down
uthānā to lift, to pick up, to support, to pull up
uthnā to spring up
utrānā to float
utsāh enthusiasm
uttam best
uttar answer
uttar further, northern
vādā promise
vagairah &c.
vah he/she/it
vahē the very
vajah reason
kē vajah se because of
vajūd existence
vakēl lawyer
vākyā sentence
vālā to do with
vāpas, vāpis back, again
vāpsē return
vāqfiyat information
vāqayē, vāqeyē really
vāqif acquainted
vaqt time
vār blow
-vārā place
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
vārā nyārā decision
vārdāt attack
varg class
vāris heir
varnā otherwise
varqā sheet
vars year
vārtālāp conversation
vasēyat will
vāste for
vastut as a consequence
vasūlnā to extract
vazn weight, authority
ve they
vibhinn various
vichalit shifted
vichārādhēn under consideration
vichitr unusual
vidyārthē student
vihēn deprived of
vijnāpan notice
vinyās arrangement
viparēt opposite
virām pause
virāsat inheritance
vishāl vast
vishay affair
vishvās faith
visphot explosion
vistār spread
vo he/she/it
vyakti person
vyaktitva personality
vyāpār business
vyās diameter
vyast busy
yād memory
yadi whether
yah this
yahān here
yahē this very
yānē i.e.
yakdam once, suddenly
yānē i. e.
yaqēn certainty, confidence
yaqēnan certainly
yār friend
yathāsthān proper place
David Bethell’s
Dictionary of Hinglish
yaun sexual
ye this
yogyatā qualifications
yon, yūn thus
yuvak young man
yuvatē girl
zabar greater
zāhir evident, outward
zahrmār antidote
zakhm injury
zamānā time
zamēn earth, ground, land
zanānā female
zariyā means
zarūr certainly
zarūrat need
zevarāt jewellery
zid persistence
zikr mention
zimmedār responsible
zindā alive
zindagē life
zubān tongue
zulm tyranny
zulmāt outrages
zyādā much, more
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  • dictionary/hinglish.txt
  • 2022/04/26 14:56
  • brahmantra