1. रेखा से रेखा , तल से तल या ठोस से ठोस

Line to Line, Plain to Plain, or Solid to Solid

Bare respect to one another in regard of

Distance; equidistant parallel
distance : approaching nearer CONVERGING, inclining.
distance ; removing farther DIVERGING, Reclining.
Position ; making an Angle OBLIQUE, a-skue, a-slope, awry, Declivity, shelving, slaunt, splay, skue, slope, wry, steep, incline, lean, glance, swagg, a∣squint, leer.
Position ; DIRECT, Erect, upright, perpendicular, advance, precipitate, headlong, down-right, up an end, set up, prick up.
Position ; TRANSVERSE, Cross, overthwart, thwart, traverse, point-blank.
slope lean inclination oblique
erect perpendicular upright

Mutual Contact

Mutual Contact; returning from the other REFLECTED, Bound, rebound, recoil, repercussion, rever∣berate▪ rebuff.
Mutual Contact; cutting through the other REFRACTED.