

This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

hi:arrow [2024/03/17 07:21] brahmantrahi:arrow [] () – - ()
 1:  1:
-|[[hi:अप|अप]] (ap-)            | {{:blank:away.png}}       |ab- |         Sanskrit |  से दूर ,से (away, off)    | अपमान (apmān) = insult                                                                                                                  
-|[[hi:अभि|अभि ]] (abhi-)       | {{:blank:toward.png}}     |ambi-/ἀμφί-           |Sanskrit         | के ओर (to, towards)                                |अभिज्ञान (abhijñyān) = recognition, identification                                                                                     | 
-|[[hi:अव|अव]] (av-)            | {{:blank:away.png}}       |ab(latin)              |Sanskrit |(away) से दूर | अवरोध (avarodh) = barrier, inhibition; अवगुण (avguɳ) = failing, fault, demerit                                                         | 
-तीर , बाण , शार्य , ईशु  
-| अंत | {{:blank:end.png}} | 
-| अधोगामी  | {{:blank:downward.png}}    | 
-| उतरना | {{:blank:descend.png}} | 
-| ऊर्ध्वगामी  | {{:blank:upward.png}} | 
-| गिरना | {{:blank:fall.png}} | 
-| टपकाना | {{:blank:drop.png}} | 
-| ढहना | {{:blank:collapse.png}} | 
-| पतन | {{:blank:decline.png}} | 
-| पश्चगामी    | {{:blank:backward.png}}  | 
-| पूर्वगामी  | {{:blank:forward.png}}  | 
-| भहरना | {{:blank:collapse.png}} | 
-| लिख | {{:blank:write.png}} | 
-| शुरू  | {{:blank:start.png}} | 
-|{{:blank:collect.png}} |   
-{{:blank:converge.png}} |   
-{{:blank:gather.png}} |   
-{{:blank:aggregate.png}} | 
-| जमा करना | एकाग्र | इकट्ठा | एकत्रीकरण | 
-|{{:blank:mix.png}} |   
-|{{:blank:mixture.png}} |   
-|{{:blank:accumulate.png}} |   
-|{{:blank:group.png}} | 
-| मिलावट , घोल  मेल | मिश्रण | संचय | समूह | 
-| {{:mantrakshar:relate.png}} | {{:mantrakshar:belong.png}} | {{:mantrakshar:associate.png}} | 
-  * आखरी  
-  * नीचे की ओर  
-  * उतरना  
-  * ऊपर की ओर  
-  * गिरना  
-  * गिराना  
-  * ढलना , ढहना  
-  * जवाल  
-  * पीछे  
-  * आगे  
-  * लिखना  
-  * शुरू  
-  * वसूल  
-  * इकट्ठा  
-  * जमा  
-  *  
-  *  
-  * आजमाइश  
-  * मिलाना  
-  * गिरफ 
-  * गिरह 
-  *  
-  * राब्ता  
-  * ताल्लुक  
-  * साथी  
-  * रिश्ता  
-  *  
-  *  
-  * अंजाम  
-  * नाता , ज्ञात्र  
-====== Arrow ====== 
-  * [[:en:dictionary:general_arrows | General arrows ]] 
-    * [[:en:dictionary:directional_arrows | Directional arrows ]] 
-      * [[:en:dictionary:sideward_arrows | sideward arrows ]] 
-      * [[:en:dictionary:vertical_arrows | Vertical arrows ]] 
-    * [[:en:dictionary:compound_arrows | compound arrows ]] 
-      * [[:en:relative_arrow | relative arrows ]]  
-         * conditional arrows  
-         * reversible arrows  
-         * against arrows  
-      * [[:en:en:dictionary:logic_arrows | logic arrows ]] 
-      * [[:en:across | across ]] 
-  * Pronoun arrows  
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:self | self arrows ]] 
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:others | other arrows ]]  
-  * Arrows associated with nouns and objects 
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:wheel | wheel arrows ]] 
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:room | room arrows ]]  
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:home | home arrows ]]  
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:money | money arrows ]]  
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:hole | hole arrows ]]  
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:eye | eye arrows ]]  
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:nose | nose arrows ]] 
-  * Arrows associated with mind and heart regardless of grammar  
-    * [[:en:dictionary:mind:arrows | mind arrows ]] 
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:heart | heart arrows ]] 
-  * Arrows associated with adverbs  
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:time | time arrows ]] 
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:tense | tense arrows ]] 
-    * [[:en:dictionary:arrow:manner | arrows modes and manner ]] 
-  * Arrows associated with adjectives  
-    * [[:en:dictionary:quality_arrows | quality arrows ]]  
-II. That which any way contributes to the producing of an effect,* is styled CAUSE, Reason, Ground, Principle, proceed from, procure, produce, make, constitute, In∣fluence, raise, put, set, bring to pass. 
-That which proceeds from, or depends upon the Cause, is styled EFFECT, Event, Issue, Fruit, accrue, Success, spring from, become, grow, come of it, impression, Product. 
-Causes are commonly distributed into 
-==== External, such as are without the Effect ==== 
-=== By which things are done;whether === 
-== More immediate and absolute == 
-More immediate and absolute; either ‖ more principal, of which the first Acti∣on is, or less principal, and subservient to the chief Agent. 
-  * [[:en:efficient | EFFICIENT]], Author, Maker, Efficacy, effectual, Energy, Virtue, Validity, Force, Vigour, Operation, Influence, frame, constitute, beget, effect, do, make, cause, work, render, create, bring to pass. 
-  * [[:en:instrument | INSTRUMENT]], Tool▪ Organ-ical, Implement: 
-== more remote == 
-  * [[:en:agent | The Agent ]]  ; serving either to 
-      * Excite, or restrain it. 
-           * IMPULSIVE, Incentive, Motive, Reason, Ground, Concitation, Instiga∣tion, Inducement, impell, stimulate, stir up, prick forward, spur on, rouse, quicken, irritate▪ provoke, excite, egging, incite, Instinct, Conside∣ration, put on, set at or on, move, urge, draw in. 
-           * COHIBITIVE, restrain, check, curb, with-hold, keep short or back, in∣hibit, repress, hold in, bridling, stint, coerce, confine, limit, no ho, stay, staunch, moderate, master, controle. 
-     * Direct and regulate its Action; either ‖ by that Idea which the Agent hath in his mind of some like case, or by some Pattern before his eyes. 
-           * EXEMPLAR, Example, Instance, Idea, Precedent, Cause. 
-           * TYPE, Pattern, Platform, Model, Last, Mold, Prototype, Antitype, Extract, Original, Copy, Counterpart, Draught, Sampler, Proof, Duplicate, exem∣plifie, prefigure. 
-  * [[:en:patient | The Patient ]] ; relating to ‖ some peculiar capacity in the thing, or some fitness in respect of time. 
-     * [[:en:condition | CONDITION]], Proviso▪ Salvo, in case, Term, Case, State, liking, Habit, Qua∣lification. 
-     * [[:en:occasion | OCCASION-al]], Exigence, Emergence, Advantage, Opportunity, draw, provoke, scandal. 
-  * Some third thing, by which the force of the Efficient is either ‖ increased or abated, 
-     * [[:en:adjuvant | ADJUVANT ]] , [[:en:help | help ]] , Aid, Assistance, Succour, Relief, Support, Advantage, auxiliary, subsidiary, avail, conduce, promote, farther, stand in stead, supply, accommodate, serve, Co-adjutor, abet, take ones part, stand by, a stay to one, forward, minister, relief, back one. 
-     * [[:en:impedient | IMPEDIENT ]] , hinder, Obstacle, Remora, Clog, Bar, debar, obstruct, cum∣ber, Rub, Check, Dam, Luggage, Lumber, Baggage, Prejudice, Disadvantage, foreslow, lett, stop, Disservice, stay, stand in the way, trigg, keep back, re∣strain, with-hold, interfere. 
-| {{:blank:help.png}}      | {{:blank:assist.png}}    | {{:blank:serve.png}}  | {{:blank:relief.png}}  | 
-| help                     | assist                   | serve                 | relief                 | 
-| {{:blank:obstacle.png}}  | {{:blank:obstruct.png}}  |  {{:blank:stop.png}}  |                        | 
-| obstacle                 | obstruct                 | stop                  |                        | 
-=== For whose sake a thing is: === 
-  * For whose sake a thing is: to which may be annexed the general name of such things as have any tendency to the promoting of it. 
-    * [[:en:end | END ]] , Aim, Mark, Goal, Drift, Intent, Effect, Purpose, Design, Scope, sake, Reach, Reason, final, tend. 
-    * [[:en:means | MEANS ]] , Way▪ Shift, Expedient, accommodate. 
-==== Internal, such as are without the Effect ==== 
-Internal, such as are within the Effect as its chief constituent parts; ‖ out of which a thing is made, and of which it consists; or by which a thing is constitu∣ted in its being, and distinguished from all other things. 
-  * MATTER-ial, Stuff, Substance, Argument, Subject, Boot as fire-boot, &c. 
-  * FORM-al, Essence. 
-| cause   | {{:blank:cause.png}}   | 
-| effect  | {{:blank:effect.png}}  | 

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  • hi/arrow.1710660097.txt.gz
  • 2024/03/17 07:21
  • brahmantra