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The Ground, or Land; in respect of

  • Loosning it; either ‖ by single persons: or by the help of drawing Beasts.
    • DIGGING, delve, break up, spit, spade.
    • PLOWING, tilling, breaking up, coulter, share.
  • Breaking the clods, and smoothing the surface.
    • ROLLING.
  • Helping or directing the Fertility of the ground, by ‖ adding some new matter▪ or removing the impediments of noxious Plants.
    • MANURING, cultivate, dunging, marling, soiling, Tilth, culture.
    • WEEDING.

The Grane or Seed, chiefly of Herbs; in respect of

  • Putting it into the ground, or taking it off from the ground upon its ma∣turity.
    • SOWING, seminate.
    • REAPING, mowing, Crop, Harvest, Sithe, Sickle, stubble, swarth.
  • Separating of it from the straw, or lesser husks.
    • THRESHING, Flail.
    • WINNOWING, Fan, Ventilation.

The Propagation of Trees or Shrubs chiefly, by

  • Putting the Root of the Plant in the ground; to which may be adjoyned the putting of Grain segregately into the ground, which is sometimes u∣sed for Pulse.
    • PLANTING, implant.
    • SETTING.
  • Ioyning a part of one Plant to another; either ‖ to the top of the body, or some branch being cut, or to the sides of the body.
    • GRAFTING, ingraft, Imp.
  • Cutting off superfluous Branches; to which may be adjoyned the cutting down of the whole.
    • PRUNING, dressing, cutting, coping.
    • FELLING, grubb, wood-fall.
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  • hi/agricultural_operation.1686930834.txt.gz
  • 2023/06/16 15:53
  • brahmantra