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en:world [2023/05/08 12:31] – [Doth relate to a Body; and that considered according to its] brahmantraen:world [2024/08/12 12:52] () – created brahmantra
 1:  1:
 ====== WORLD ====== ====== WORLD ======
- +  [[:en:world:biosphere | Biosphere ]]  
-By WORLD, Vniverse, is meant the Compages or Frame of the whole Creation,with more especial reference to those Principal and more Gene∣ral parts of which it consists; whether +  * [[:en:world:atmosphere | Atmosphere ]]  
- +  * [[:en:world:hydrosphere | Hydrosphere ]] 
-  * SPIRITUAL and immaterial. I. +  * [[:en:world:lithosphere | lithosphere ]] 
-  * Corporeal, considered according to the +  * [[:en:world:pedosphere | pedosphere ]] 
-      * Parts into which it is divided, whether +
-      * CELESTIAL. II. +
-      * Terrestrialeither +
-          * Inanimate.— +
-            * LAND. III. +
-            * WATER. IV. +
-         * ANIMATE. V. +
-      * CIRCLES by which it is divided. VI. +
- +
- +
-===== SPIRITUAL and immaterial. I. ===== +
- +
-I. By SPIRIT is meant Immaterial Substance:* to which may be ad∣joyned, as its proper Opposite, the word BODY, Corporeal, Matter-ial, Car∣cass, Corps, corpulent. +
- +
-A Created Spirit is either such as +
- +
-==== Doth not relate to a Body; ==== +
- +
-Doth not relate to a Body; and that considered according to its +
- +
-General Name, as being a ministring Spirit. +
-  * ANGEL-ical, Daemon. +
-Special kinds, as Good or Evil. +
-  * GOOD ANGEL, Cherub, Seraphim, Good Genius. +
-  * DEVIL, Satan, Fiend, Diabolical, Daemon, Fury, Goblin, bad Genius. +
- +
-==== Doth relate to a Body; and that considered according to its ==== +
- +
-=== General === +
- +
-General Name, as being designed for the enlivening and quickning of a Body. +
-  * SOUL, Animate, Spirit, Mind. +
- +
-=== Special kinds, as rendring its Body capable of === +
- +
-Nutrition and Growth; +
-  * VEGETATIVE, grow. +
- +
-Sense; +
- +
-Discourse and Religion, together with a sense of moral good and evil. +
-  * RATIONAL, reasonable. +
- +
- +
- +
-===== CELESTIAL. II. ===== +
- +
- +
- +
-===== LAND. III. ===== +
- +
- +
- +
-===== WATER. IV. ===== +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-===== ANIMATE. V. ===== +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-===== CIRCLES by which it is divided. VI. ===== +
- +
- +
- +
- +

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  • en/world.1683549064.txt.gz
  • 2023/05/08 12:31
  • brahmantra