IV. ACTIONS OF THE WILL. Under this Head are to be considered the

Kinds of such Actions; belonging either to the

End as Future

End as future; comprehending Acts more



Complicate; towards an object considered as difficult, signifying ‖ the purpose of doing it notwithstanding such Difficulties: or doubt∣ing because of such Difficulties.


Antecedently; determining what to ‖ take: or leave.

Consequently; ‖ continuing in the purpose of using such means: or ceasing such purpose.

End obtained

End obtained; as to the ‖ resting: or not resting of the Will in it as good.


Affections; either of the

will itself

Will it self in its actings; consisting in its having a power of applying it self to the doing or not doing this or that: or not having such power.

Actions of the will

Actions of the Will; denoting ‖ the doing of things according to the free inclinations of our own minds: or the being necessitated by some external impediments to do any thing against such inclinations.