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*BY SENSIBLE QUALITY is meant such kind of Quality as falls un∣der our outward Senses, or the Affections of Bodies considered as they are the Objects of Sense: To which may be opposed the Notion of OCCULT QUALITY. These do relate either to the

  • Eye and things visible.
    • Primary, LIGHT. I.
    • Secondary, COLOUR. II.
  • Ear, SOUND. III.
  • TAST and SMELL. IV.
  • Touch; viz. such Qualities as are more
    • ACTIVE. V.
    • PASSIVE. VI.


The Air; according to the more

General Nature of it; denoting the intermediate or extremes, the lat∣ter of which is properly a total Privation.

  • TWILIGHT, Dawning.
    • LIGHT, Lux, lightsome, illuminate, enlighten, glimmer, glimpse, flash.
    • DARKNESS, gloomy, close, dim, duskie, Eclipse, obscure, sad, swart, brown.

Particular Kind or Degree; the Opposite to which doth suppose some secondary Light.

  • LIGHT, Lumen, lucid, Luminary, irradiate, Sunshine.
  • SHADOW, Shade, Vmbrage, adumbrate, Screen, Canopy, Curtain.

The Superficies of solid Bodies

The Superficies of solid Bodies; from which a strong or weak reflexion is styled.

  • BRIGHTNESS, Lustre, splendor, refulgence, glister, glitter, dazling, shine, coruscation, clear, fair, orient, polite, gloss, respl•ndent, illu∣strious, furbish, polish, burnish, irradiate.
  • DIMNESS, gloomy, cloudy, blink.

The Bulk and Solidity of Bodies;

The Bulk and Solidity of Bodies; according to their ‖ capacity, or inca∣pacity of conveying Light.

  • TRANSPARENCY, Perspicuity, pellucid, diaphanous, clear, thin:
  • OPACIIY, Thick.

Both the Superficies and Bulk of Bodies

Both the Superficies and Bulk of Bodies; signifying ‖ a freedom from: or liableness unto, any single or interspersed impediment.

  • CLEARNESS, fair, immaculate, unspotted, clarifie.
  • SPOTTEDNESS, Blemish, Blot, Blur, Mote, Mole, Freckle, Speck, Stain, Soil.



Primary; whether the intermediate, or the two extremes.

  • GRAYNESS, Freez, grisly, hoary, russet.
    • WHITENESS, blank, blanch, bleach.
    • BLACKNESS, sable, sad, swart, brown, Negro.

Secondary; most considerable according to their order in the Rain∣bow: the usual Colour of

  • Bloud: or of Gold.
    • REDNESS, Crimson, Vermilion, Scarlet, Stammel, ruddy, M•r∣rey, Gules.
    • YELLOWNESS, Sallow, Tawny.
  • Vegetables: or the appearing Colour of the Heavens.
    • GREENNESS, Verdure.
    • BLEWNESS, Azure, Watchet.
  • Iuice of the Fish Murex.
    • PURPLE.


General names
  • VARIEGATEDNESS, motly, pyed, particoloured, divers colours, embroider, inlay.
Particular kinds

Points: or Lines▪

  • SPECKLEDNESS, Freckled.
  • STRIATEDNESS, brindled, streaked, striped.

Roundles, or Squares,

  • SOUND, Noise, resound, Report, Coil, Rout, Racket, blow, loud, dinn, quetch, Echo, Euphony. To which may be adjoyned those natural words (fictitia à sono) bounce, buz, chatter, chink, clack▪ clap, clash, clatter, click, clink, crash, crush, ferk, hum, hiss, jar, jingle, jerk▪ knock, rattle, ruffle, rumble, russle, clutter, lash, pipe, ring, scream, shriek, snap, squeak, squall, roar, thump, toot, twang, thwack, tinkle, wheez, whimper, whip, whine, whistle, yell.
  • SILENCE, Stilness, hush, hold ones peace, muni, tacit, quash, quiet, whist, 'st.


Formally; according to which several Sounds are made; either by an intermediate, or a stronger and quicker: or weaker and slower per∣cussion of the Air.

  • MEAN, Tenor, Counter tenor.
    • ACVTE, shrill, Treble, Canto.
    • GRAVE, low, Base, deep



Metalline, or other solid brittle bodies; either clear:〈◊〉interrupt∣ed by some discontinuity of the parts.

  • RINGING, jingle, tinkle, Bell, tole, chime, Peal, Knell.
  • JARRING, Clattering.

More general to the more perfect Animals: or to Man.

  • VOICE, vocal, call, cry, invocate, Tone.
  • ARTICULATE▪ Voice, speak, eloquution, pronounce,

More special, and peculiar to some brute Creatures; which may likewise be imitated with artificial Instruments, by the forcible compression of Air through a rimule: or through an equable concavity.

  • HISSING, Whizzing.
  • Single perfect Sound: or near half more or less then such a Sound.
    • NOTE, Tone, Key.
      • SHARP.
      • FLAT.
  • Perfect Series of Notes: or aggregate of such Series.
    • TUNE, Lesson, Chime, Ayre, Strain.
    • CONSORT.
  • Single Notes; being either ‖ full and perfect: or impedite and imperfect.
    • CLEARNESS, shrill.
    • HOARSNESS, Harshness.
  • Notes together; in respect of their ‖ agreement: or disagreement.
    • CONCORD, Symphony.
    • DISCORD, Dissonance, untunable
  • Tunes together; in respect of their ‖ agreement: or disagreement.
    • HARMONY, Melody, Music.
    • IANGLING, Tintamar.

More general and extreme, as to the agreeableness: or disagreeableness of them to the Palate or Nose.

  • SWEETNESS, Pleasant, luscious, toothsom, fragrant, odoriferous, Perfume.
  • VNSAVOVRINESS, Stink, Stench, foetid, noisom, fulsom, rank.
  • Thin and warm matter, like that of Oil or Butter: or that of Pep∣per.
    • FATTINESS, Oily, unctuous, gross, greasie.
    • ACRIMONIOUSNESS, biting, keen, cutting.
  • Cooling and constringing matter, like that in Green fruit: or in Galls.
    • AUSTERENESS, Harshness, sowr, tart.
    • ACERBITY, Astringency, styptic.
  • Penetrating vellicating matter, like that of Vinegar and Limons: or that of Aloes and Wormwood.
    • ACIDITY, Sharpness, eager, hard.
  • Matter of a moderate consistency: apt to corrode by its siccity.
    • SALTISHNESS, saline, brackish, briny, seasoned.
    • FRESHNESS, unsalted, flashy.
  • The vividness: or decay of the Spirits in any thing.
    • FRESHNESS, Smartness, brisk, quick, lively, spirituous.
    • DEADNESS, vapid, decayed, insipid, wearish, flashy.
  • The beginning: or farther degree of Putrefaction.
    • MUSTINESS, Moldiness, vinewed, fusty.
    • ROTTENNESS, addle, putrid.

Homogeneous or Heterogeneous things are congregated, or separated.

  • TEMPERATENESS, Warmness, Tepidness, lukewarm.
    • HEAT, hot, soultry, ardent, torrid, fervent, swelter, inflame, scald, Parch, Scorch.
    • COLDNSSS, bleak, piercing, biting, chill, cool, frigid, refrigerate.

A Body is easily bounded by it self: or conformed to any other Bo∣dy, wherein it may be contained.

  • MOISTNESS, dank, damp.
    • WETNESS, Humidity, liquid, mash, slabber, daggle.
    • DRINESS, Siccity, exsic•ate, arid, sear, parch.
  • The Texture of parts, as to ‖ nearer: or farther distance.
    • CLOSENESS, shrink, Constipation, consolidate, compact.
      • DENSITY, Crassitude, Thickness, Condense-ation, thronged, pressed.
      • RARITY, Thinness, attenuate, rare-ifie.
  • Inclination to Motion ‖ downwards: or upwards.
    • WEIGHTINESS, massie.
      • GRAVITY, Ponderousness, Heaviness, lumpish, weighing, pressing down.
      • LEVITY, Lightness.
  • Aptitude or Ineptitude to Motion.
    • Common to Liquids and Solids.
      • CONSISTENCY, congeal, stand.
        • HARDNESS, indurate, callous, brawny.
        • FLVIDITY, liquid, flow, dissolve.
    • Proper to Solids.
      • FLEXIBLENESS, Pliableness, pliant, bend, bow, stoop.
        • LIMBERNESS, supple, lank, lith, ling, gentle, pliant, plia∣ble, slack, flagging.
        • STIFNESS, stark, tite, rigid, harsh, inflexible.
  • YIELDINGNESS, give place.
    • SOFTNESS, Tenderness, mollifie, relent, give.
    • HARDNESS, obdurate, indurate, callous.

Superficies; being ‖ more: or less plain.

  • EVENNESS, plain, level.
    • SMOOTHNESS, Sleekness, glibbery, slippery, terse, polite, polish, burnish, Calender.
    • ROVGHNESS, Asperity, Ruggedness, uneven, harsh, ruffle, rumple, puckered, cragged.

Bulk, being in its self, or in its parts, of ‖ an indifferent: or of a great∣er or smaller magnitude.

  • ORDINARINESS, of the most usual and common size:
    • COVRSNESS, gross, thick.
    • FINENESS, Tenuity, Subtilty, thin, attenuate.


  • FIRMNESS, Fastness.
    • TOVGHNESS, ductile, malleable.
    • BRITTLENESS, Friableness, crisp, short, frail, fragil.


  • SLIMINESS, mucilaginous, roping.
    • CLAMMINESS, viscous, adhering, stick to, cling, cleaving, glu∣tinous, Bird-lime.
    • VNCTVOVSNESS, Slipperiness, Lubricity, glib.
  • STEDDINESS, establish, Stability,
    • FASTNESS, Fixedness, Firmness, stedfast, wistly, set, settle, clenching, Rivet, stick in.
    • LOOSENESS, sleasie, Slackness, unfastned, unfixed, unsteddy, unstedfast, unsettled, Luxation.
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  • en/sensible_quality.1684688520.txt.gz
  • 2023/05/21 17:02
  • brahmantra