714 Caput radii Head
715 Fovea articularis Articular facet
716 Circumferentia articularis Articular circumference
717 Collum radii Neck
718 Corpus radii Shaft; body
719 Tuberositas radii Radial tuberosity
720 Facies anterior Anterior surface
721 Facies posterior Posterior surface
722 Facies lateralis Lateral surface
723 Tuberositas pronatoria Pronator tuberosity
724 Margo interosseus Interosseus border
725 Margo anterior Anterior border
726 Margo posterior Posterior border
727 Processus styloideus radii Radial styloid process
728 Crista suprastyloidea Suprastyloid crest
729 Tuberculum dorsale Dorsal tubercle
730 Sulci tendinum musculorum extensorum Grooves for extensor muscle tendons
731 Incisura ulnaris Ulnar notch
732 Facies articularis carpalis Carpal articular surface


Upper end


Lower end

This pillar is not straight and has a tubercle on medial side and at the base on posterior side.this pillar acts like a connecting string.

Interosseous border ( interstatue border ) is a very sharp and it is also called as medial border. It extends from the radial tuberosity above to the posterior margin of ulnar notch (screw notch ) below on the pillar where the head of the screw statue articulates.

Front border extends from the anterior margin of pillar tuberosity to the

Anterior surface of the pillar lies between the interstatue border and the front border of pillar.

Posterior surface between interstatue border and back border

Lateral surface is present between front border and back border . It is rough in medial 1/3 rd part ..

Lower end

Lower end is expanded and has 5 surfaces . The base of the pillar has 5 surfaces namely anterior , medial , lateral , posterior and inferior surface .

Front surface of pillar is continued from the stem of pillars front surface.

Back surface of the base of pillar has grooves and a named engraving called tubercle of Lister . This engraving lies lateral to oblique groove. This groove has tendon of ( long thumb rubber band ) extensor pollicis longus .

Medial surface of the base of pillar has screw notch which articulates with the head of screw statue.

Lateral surface is prolonged and forms the styloid process

The base of the radius has an inferior surface which lies on the top of two infinity stones. Laterally it has a triangular articular surface which lies of the scaphoid (infinity stone of reality ) and Medially there is a quadrangular articular surface which lies on top of the lunate (moon shaped infinity stone of reality )