Ach is yes h …. Do this and adrenaline is for knot … No or wrong symbol

Acetylcholine the male … Is a friend of the two girls named nicotinic and muscarinic receptors …. There is also a middle male which converts the male ach in to choline … His name is acetylcholinesterase …….

Receptor antagonist … The opposite sex that is femaleFemale comes and attaches to female inhibiting the response …

So anatagonists are female while agonists are male ….. Enzyme inhibitors are opposite sex … Enzyme function is conversion of Similar sex …

Relatives of antagonists … Relatives of agonists … Cholinomimetic or parasympathomimetic or adrenergic agonists Relative of antagonist ……. Parasympatholytic or sympatholytic

Acetyl choline and choline …. Are two guests … Acetylcholinesterase Is the male … he has to introduce the two…

The boy friend names are specific … Because enzyme has specificity… All enzymes does not act on all substrates …

The enzyme male can only be inhibited by an enemy or his girlfriend… If the enemy does this thing it is called an enzyme inhibitor while the girlfriend does it is called an …. Do not know it could be a physiological or psychological response……

If the receptors are opened through wrong keys …. The keys look Similar but it does not fit …. Males look similar but female does not Respond or responds unknowingly…

Parasymathomimetics are like looseners similar to acetylcholine… Or cholinergic like smokers have mein chod dena…… Nicotine is present in cigarettes hence … Females with cigarettes and Females with muscarine . Or musca female receptors they are of 3 typea..

Sympthetic make them strict make them suffocate… Dry dry die… Called as anticholinergic crisis…

One thing to remember is alpha is like a knot hence beta is opposite … They are all blue buses….

Adrenaline is like male which has two girl friends alpha and beta … Alpha girl friend is like which a knot like choti….. Beta is a big girl … Acting like the big parasympathetic … Around the sympathetic which is in centre… Fight or flight and at last rest ..

Adrianne her friend ….

Eric moves around wildly … On roads … So they are romeos on roads And juliet is a girl inside the house …

flumazenil - anexate gabapentin - neurontin,gralise topiramate - epitop,epitome carbamazepine - antilep,epitol,equetro (equetro - bipolar disorder ) nortryptyline - depival ,nordep (no depression , depression fluoxetine - alivate imipramine - antidep,anxitab,tofranil (anxiety tablet or antidepressant or SSRI) sertraline - shaanti drug

Antiepileptics .drugs used for the treatment of epilepsy or seizures are EPTOIN OR DILANTIN - phenytoin sodium is used to treat the recurrence of seizures.the patient has to take the medication lifelong to control seizures,MIDAZOLAM is used for the emergency control of seizures,

Antiparkinsonian sedatives and hypnotics . ZOLFRESH(ZOLPIDEM) - it is a sedative and hypnotic used for insomnia or sleeplessness Antipsychotics (neuroleptics) Antidepressants Antimanics (mood stabilizing drugs) Antianxiety drugs

promethazine - calmkid (calming the kid ) atropine - nightshade (atropen) homatropine - hydrotropine domperidone - motilium,motinorm (motility normal) papaverine - morphine - The extended-release form of morphine is for around-the-clock treatment of pain.Morphine is an opioid pain medication. An opioid is sometimes called a narcotic. (roxanol jaise rone vale logon ko diya jaata hain,)arymo,morpha bond (for addiction). buspirone - vanspar(reduce the spark) anti-anxiety drug

ECOSPRIN is a type of aspirin used to reduce blood is used to treat stroke or cerebrovascular accidents,it can sometimes increase the risk of bleeding. Acitrom(Nicoumalone) is an anticoagulant that help to prevent blood clots. It is indicated to stop blood clots forming within the blood vessels.

Anaesthetics.local anaesthetics like xylocaine ,lignocaine gel is also used for administering topical anaesthesia. general this skeletal muscle relaxants are used for the efficiency of endotracheal intubation,

Analgesics are used for treating pain like BUSCOPAN - hyoscine butylbromide,scopolamine butylbromide can be used to treat crampy abdominal pain,renal colic. PARACETAMOL - acetaminophen is a pain reliever and a fever reducer,it is used to treat headaches,low back pain,post operative pain and osteoarthritis.morphine is also used to treat pain, another drug Called TRAMADOL- Opioid pain medication for treating mild to severe pain it has long onset of action. Voveran SR (Diclofenac SR) is in a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body Ultracet contains a combination of tramadol and acetaminophen. Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain reliever. Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever that increases the effects of tramadol. LYSER-D is used for treating ental and minor surgery, back pain, sprains and strains, swelling, sore throat, muscles pain, bones and joints pain . DOLO(Acetaminophen) is a drug This is a combination of the narcotic hydrocodone and non-narcotic pain reliever acetaminophen. It is prescribed for moderate to severe pain SUMOL(Acetanilide derivative, Non narcotic Analgesic,Antipyretic.

kabhi agar kisi ka siir dard dena shuru hota hain to wah doctor ke paas jaane se pehle khud se hi dukaan par jaakar amrutanjam kharidta hain ya to phir crocin kharidta hain.uske paas itna samay ya dard ko bardasth nahi kar sakta issi liye wah sedha dukaan par jaakar kharidleta hain.

-BARB; Barbiturates; Phenobarbital, secobarbital; barbers ending with barb; to treat ; ; -INE; chemical substance; atropine, quinine; HELPERS OF COMMUNICATION; -TINIB; Tyrosine-kinase inhibitors; erlotinib, crizotinib; ; -AXINE; Dopamine and serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; venlafaxine; OXETINE; Antidepressant related to; fluoxetine,duloxetine, reboxetine; exite = oxetine-against depression; to treat depression ; depression(becoming sad); -am or -pam; benozodiazepines; midazolam,clonazepam; pam pam,am (remember anupam,pam,am); -ane; inhalational general anesthetics; enflurane,isoflurane,halothane,sevoflurane; inhale - halothane (hale-haltne sounds similar),sevo(seven),iso(similar), des(deca-10),nitrous oxide(laughing gas); used as anaesthesia during surgery or sedation; DOC In pediatric surgery is sevoflurane, sensation(feeling touch); -caine; local anaesthetics; lignocaine,benzocaine,cocaine bupivacaine,procaine; locale - lidocaine(prototype name) sound similar; sensation;

caine -local anesthetics -azepam = benzodiazepine -azine = antiemetic; phenothiazide -done; opioid analgesic -lam; antianxiety -nium; neuromuscular blocking -olol; beta blocker -pam ;antianxiety -ipramine = Tricyclic antidepressant -barbital = barbiturate

Barbarian boys who have their receptors of female called gaba.. For Garbhavati … Anupam is the benzodiazepine… He also has a girlfriend in same home….

CONTROL CENTRE »»>MOVES»» MUSCLE »» contracts/dilates CONTROLS »»» FUNCTION CONTROL CENTRE »> MOVES »» MUSCLE »» CONTRACTS »» MOVES »»> BONE If we supress control centre automatically function is controlled.if we dilate/contract muscle function is controlled


psychosis X antipsychotic anxiety X anti - anxiety(similar to depression) depression X anti-depressants(similar to anxiety) anti-epileptic x epilepsy Hallucinogen(drug that produce hallucination) x Deliriant ( drug that causes delirium(confusion) x understand and control Dissociative anaesthesia (analgesia and amnesia) x Psychedelic drugs are hallucinogens,deliriants or called psychoactive Hallucinogen(serotonin receptor agonist) X serotonin antagonist Increased levels of serotonin decrease depression x low level causes depression

mimicking drugs (agonists)

Adrenergic neurons secrete adrenaline Cholinergic neurons secrete acetylcholine Serotonergic neurons secrete serotonin (mono amine neurotransmitter) Dopaminergic neurons secrete dopamine Gabaergic neurons secrete gaba.

sympathomimetics(fight or flight by rope of knot) x sympatholytics (breaking the knot) parasympathomimetics(rest and digest) x parasympatholytics

Sympathetic nervous system acting against parasympathetic nervous system fight or flight is opposite to rest and digest or feed and breed

adrenergic x cholinergic excitatory neurotransmitter x inhibitory neurotransmitter agonist X antagonist

receptor agonist x receptor antagonist nictonic Acetylcholine receptor (N) X muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M1,M2,M3) xadrenergic receptor (alpha and beta) X facilitation or helper of movement x blocker / restriction of movement

Acetyl cholinesterase enzyme x acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Monoamine oxidase inhibitors x mono amine oxidase Carbomoyl transferase inhibitors x carbamoyl transferase



SSRIs: side effects SSRI: Serotonin syndrome(poisoning of serotonin) x serotonin function Stimulate CNS Reproductive disfunctions in male Insomnia

Serotonin (emesis) x antiemetic

Drugs for Bradycardia and Hypotension X tachycardia Hypotension x hypertension Mnemonic is IDEA x IsoproterenolDopamineEpinephrineAtropine Sulfate

Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) SOAP ME Suction Oxygen Airway Equipment Positioning Monitoring & MedsEtCO2 & other Equipment

Rapid Sequence intubation Medications (RSI) (CCRx)Very Calmly Engage the Respiratory System Vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg Cisatracurium 0.2 mg/kg Etomidate 0.3 mg/kg Rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg-1.2 mg/kg Succinylcholine 1 mg/

Cocaine: cardiovascular effect COcaine causes bloodvessels to COnstrict (unlike other local anesthetics which cause vasodilation).

Tricyclic antidipressents (TCA): side effects TCA'S: Thrombocytopenia Cardiac (arrhymia, MI, stroke) Anticholinergic (tachycardia, urinary retention, etc) x cholinergic effect Seizures

Sodium valproate: side effects VALPROATE:Vomiting Alopecia Liver toxicity Pancreatitis/ Pancytopenia Retention of fats (weight gain) Oedema (peripheral oedema) Appetite increase Tremor Enzyme inducer (liver)

Lupus: drugs inducing it HIP:HydralazineINHProcanimide

Depression: major episode characteristics X anxiety SPACE DIGS: Sleep disruption x Psychomotor retardation Appetite change Concentration loss Energy loss Depressed mood Interest wanes Guilt Suicidal tendencies

Phenobarbitone: side effects Children are annoying (hyperkinesia, irritability, insomnia, aggression). Adults are dosy (sedation, dizziness, drowsiness).

hallucinogen intoxication D- distorted (blurred) vision I – incoordination S sweating t- tachycardia o – opening (dilation) of the pupil r – racing heart (palpitations) t – tremor

Opioids: effects BAD AMERICANS: Bradycardia & hypotension Anorexia Diminished pupilary size Analgesics Miosis Euphoria Respiratory depression Increased smooth muscle activity (biliary tract constriction) Constipation Ameliorate cough reflex Nausea and vomiting Sedations

Opiates: overdose findings Cool to the touch, unresponsive to pain, Hunger diminished, and scars over vein. Pupils pinpointed, and blood pressure low, Urine diminished, and breathing is slow.

Nicotinic effects MTWTF (days of week): Mydriasis/ Muscle cramps Tachycardia Weakness Twitching Hypertension/ Hyperglycemia Fasiculation

Lithium: side effects LITHIUM: Leukocytes Increased (leukocytosis) Tremors Hypothyroidism Increased Urine Moms beware (teratogenic)

Pitocin side effects: Pressure is elevated Intake and output Tetanic contractions (if >90sec, stop the pitocin!) Oxygen decreased in fetus Ccardiac dysrhythmias Irregular FHR Nausea and vomiting

Phenytoin: adverse effects PHENYTOIN: P-450 interactions Hirsutism Enlarged gums Nystagmus Yellow-browning of skin Teratogenicity Osteomalacia Interference with B12 metabolism (hence anemia) Neuropathies: vertigo, ataxia, headache

Respiratory depression inducing drugs STOP breathing: Sedatives and hypnotics Trimethoprim Opiates Polymyxins

morphine: side-effects morphine: myosis out of it (sedation) respiratory depression pneumonia (aspiration) hypotension infrequency (constipation, urinary retention) nausea emesis anticholinergic side effects know the abcd's of anticholinergic side effects: anorexia blurry vision constipation/ confusion dry mouth sedation/ stasis of urine

Tricyclic antidipressents (TCA): side effects TCA'S: Thrombocytopenia Cardiac (arrhymia, MI, stroke) Anticholinergic (tachycardia, urinary retention, etc) Seizures

B-agonist tocolytic (C/I or warning) (AGONISTS OR FRIENDS USE) ABCDE: Angina (Heart disease) ( vasospasm) BP high (vasoconstriction increases blood pressure) Chorioamnionitis Diabetes (beta cells Excessive bleeding ( vasoconstriction bleed) …. …. All press is done by Alpha but beta relaxes it hence it aggravates the condition rather than decreasing it

Beta-blockers: main contraindications, cautions (ANTAGONISTS USES OR USE OF ENEMY ) ABCDE:Asthma (excess contraction ) Block (heart block) (no contraction ) COPD (exces contraction ) Diabetes mellitus Electrolyte (hyperkalemia)

Insulin causes entry of glucose and potassium inside cells.


ß2 (beta2) adrenergic receptor agonists, also known as adrenergic ß2 receptor agonists, are a class of drugs that act on the ß2 adrenergic receptor. Like other ß adrenergic agonists, they cause smooth muscle relaxation. ß2 adrenergic agonists' effects on smooth muscle cause dilation of bronchial passages, vasodilation in muscle and liver, relaxation of uterine muscle, and release of insulin. They are primarily used to treat asthma and other pulmonary disorders, such as COPD.

Adrenoreceptors In general, alpha-stimulation causes constriction of smooth muscles. A handy way to remember this is to imagine the Greek letter a is made of rope, so when the two ends are pulled it forms a tight knot.

In general, beta-stimulation ‘makes ’em bigger’ meaning they cause the dilation of smooth muscles in structures such as the bronchioles, uterus, blood vessels. A good memory jogger is therefore: Beta makes ‘em Bigger

And what about beta receptors in the heart and lungs? It’s easy to learn which subtype predominates in each. The heart has predominantly beta-1 receptors, and the lungs have mainly beta-2, and of course you have one heart and two lungs. So:

One Heart Two Lungs One heart Beta one Two lungs Beta two

Other systemic parasympathetic system effects are covered by this neat phrase: Decreased Arti’s by Bringing Brad Pitt Decreased Reduction or constriction of… Arti’s by Arterioles Bringing Bronchioles Brad (Brady)cardia Pitt Pupils

Parasympathetic system Here is a useful summary of the gastrointestinal functions of the parasympathetic nervous system: Periods Must Increase Secret Stomach Cramps Periods Parasympathetic system neuroeffector junctions are all… Must Muscarinic and… Increase Increase… Secret Secretions of the… Stomach Gastrointestinal system and… Cramps Gastric motility

From the central nervous system the first stop for all nerves are always nicotinic receptors. After that all parasympathetic neuroeffector junctions are muscarinic – thus the final stop is always muscarinic. Thus their path is spinal cord → nicotinic → muscarinic. Pat likes S‘n’M Pat likes Parasympathetic (nerves from the…) S Spinal cord (go via…) N Nicotinic (then…) M Muscarinic

Muscarinic receptors

There are five subtypes (M1 to M5). As you now know, they are usually neuroeffectors for the parasympathetic system, peripherally, where they are found in smooth muscle and glands.

MSG M Muscarinic (receptors peripherally are in…) S Smooth muscles (and…) G Glands

They are also very important centrally – especially the M1 subtype. Generally they work by reducing cAMP (cyclic adenosine triphosphate). M1 receptors are the most important and most widely expressed muscarinic receptors in the brain. M2 receptors slow the heart down. M3 receptors are the most important for bladder contraction. This all ties together in the ‘Muscarinic receptor song’. Muscarinic receptor song

Muscle-bound men are a Decreases cAMP little camp My big secret makes Increases secretions/ you damp contraction Coz… M3 makes me pee! Bladder contraction M2 slows the heart, dude Bradycardia M1 motorway – the North is ‘up’ – like the northern route! brain!

Applied mnemonics – the actions of atropine Now you know the actions of the parasympathetic system you can work out most of the actions of atropine which is a muscarinic blocker. Starting with the CNS with all those M1 (northern route) receptors atropine is excitatory. Not surprisingly as atropine was used to make women appear more beautiful (bella donnas) when they took the stuff (from the deadly nightshade plant Atropa belladonna) because it dilated their pupils – muscarinic receptors constrict the pupils. Remember C.C.C.P. – Constriction of Circular muscle opens up the Canal of Schlemm Parasympathetically. So if you block it, the pupils widen. Moving onto the heart we know M2 slow the heart so if atropine blocks this action (of the vagus nerve) the heart will…speed up leaving the

beta-1 receptors working just fine and without any opposite slowing down effect of the parasymapathetics. This brings us to the lungs. If the parasympathetic system constricts things then blocking it should help here – and so we have ipratropium, derived from atropine (as the name suggests) as a cholinergic muscarinic receptor blocker – used as an inhaler in asthma and chronic airflow limitation to assist breathing. Now to the GI side of things. If M receptors predominantly increase gastric and bladder motility then if we block this effect with atropine maybe it will slow down diarrhoea? Enter co-phenotrope, said to be especially formulated to reduce gut motility for the troops in Vietnam (trade name Lomotil), which contains our buddy atropine. Stimulating M3 makes you pee – so atropine should have the opposite effect and reduce bladder contractions. Thus, anticholinergics are used to stabilize the bladder and treat incontinence. HOT HINT: Using the same process as above, and working head downwards extrapolate the actions of drugs on the various organ systems.

NANC transmitters The NANC (non-adrenergic non-cholinergic) neurotransmitters include nitrous oxide (NO) and the catecholamine dopamine.

Nancy Boys Are No Dopes NANCy boys are Non-Adrenergic Non-Cholinergics NO Nitrous Oxide DOPes Dopamine

Catecholamines The three stages of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) synthesis are: tyrosine → DOPA (dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine) → dopamine → norepinephrine. Although it’s a bit outdated now, here’s a handy reminder: Tired Dopes Do Nada Tired Tyrosine Dopes DOPA Do Dopamine Nada Noradrenaline

The enzymes involved in these three steps are hydroxylase, decarboxylase, and beta-hydroxylase. If the hydroxyl component is represented by the chemical formula (OH) you can use this to remind you: Hide De Ho HiDe Hydroxylase De Decarboxylase HO Beta-OH-lase (hydroxylase)

Catecholamine metabolism is via a cytoplasmic enzyme called catechol- O-methyltransferase (or COMT) and two mitochondrial enzymes called monoamine oxidase A and monoamine oxidase B – the MAOs. Think: Cytoplasm COMT Mitochondria MAO