I To the Measure whereby we judge of the MULTITUDE of things may be annexed NUMBER, enumerate, reckon, compute, muster, count, re-count, Tale, tell, Arithmetic, Cyphering. If the way of Numeration were now to be stated, it would seem more convenient to determine the first Period or Stand at the number Eight, and not at Ten; because the way of Dichotomy or Bipartition being the most natural and easie kind of Di∣vision, that Number is capable of this down to an Unite, and according to this should be the several denominations of all other kinds of Measures, whether of Capacity, Gravity, Valor, Duration. So eight Farthings would make a Peny, eight Pence a Shilling, eight Shillings an Angel, eight Angels a Pound. So eight Grains should make a Scruple, eight Scruples a Dram, eight Drams an Ounce, eight Ounces a Pound, &c. But because general custom hath already agreed upon the decimal way, therefore I shall not insist upon the change of it.

The different degrees of Number generally received, are these.



These measures of MAGNITUDE (to which may be annexed the No∣tion of CONTENT) may be reduced to these Heads.

पदाणु ( decimeter ) पदाण्ड (

मान चिह्न नाम मान चिह्न नाम
10-1 m dm दशिमान / दशमाणु 101 m dam दशमान / दशमाण्ड दशमान
10–2 m cm शतिमान / शतिमाणु 102 m hm शतमान / शतमाण्ड 10–2 m
10–3 m mm सहस्रिमान / सहस्रिमाणु 103 m km सहस्रमान / सहस्रमाण्ड 10–3 m
10–6 m µm प्रयुतिमान / प्रयुतिमाणु 106 m Mm प्रयुतमान / प्रयुतमाण्ड 10–6 m
10–9 m nm व्यब्जमान / व्यब्जमाणु 109 m Gm अब्जमान / अब्जमाण्ड 10–9 m
10–12 m pm विशंखमान / विशंखमाणु 1012 m Tm शंखमान / शंखमाण्ड 10–12 m
10–15 m fm विपतिमान / विपतिमाणु 1015 m Pm पतिमान / पतिमाण्ड 10–15 m
10–18 m am एट्टोमान / एट्टोमाणु 1018 m Em एक्समान / एक्समाण्ड 10–18 m
10–21 m zm ज़ेप्टोमान / ज़ेप्टोमाणु 1021 m Zm ज़ेट्टमान / ज़ेट्टमाण्ड 10–21 m
10–24 m ym योक्टोमान / योक्टोमाणु 1024 m Ym योट्टमान / योट्टमाण्ड 10–24 m


And so for Measures of Capacity: The cubical content of this Standard may be called the Bushel: the Tenth part of the Bushel, the Peck; the Tenth part of a Peck, a Quart; and the Tenth of that, a Pint, &c. And so for as many other Measures upwards as shall be thought expedient for use.

मात्रा चिह्न नाम मात्रा चिह्न नाम
10-1 m dm दशमात्राणु 101 m dam दशमात्रण्ड दशमान
10–2 m cm शतिमात्राणु 102 m hm शतमात्रण्ड 10–2 m
10–3 m mm सहस्रिमात्राणु 103 m km सहस्रमात्रण्ड 10–3 m
10–6 m µm प्रयुतिमात्राणु 106 m Mm प्रयुतमात्रण्ड 10–6 m
10–9 m nm व्यब्जमात्राणु 109 m Gm अब्जमात्रण्ड 10–9 m
10–12 m pm विशंखमात्राणु 1012 m Tm शंखमात्रण्ड 10–12 m
10–15 m fm विपतिमात्राणु 1015 m Pm पतिमात्रण्ड 10–15 m
10–18 m am एट्टोमात्राणु 1018 m Em एक्समात्रण्ड 10–18 m
10–21 m zm ज़ेप्टोमात्राणु 1021 m Zm ज़ेट्टमात्रण्ड 10–21 m
10–24 m ym योक्टोमात्राणु 1024 m Ym योट्टमात्रण्ड 10–24 m