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alphabet ,morpheme , alfaaz ,
boat,Ship, scaphoid,navicular, navigation, navy, nautilus ,
book,biblio , vivlio ,
cover,Tegument,calyp,tegument,camer,vault,tapetum,operculum,secret,hide,tectum,calyx,ceal,hidden,Mysterious,wrap,shade,shadow cup, cupola , fossa,ditch,depth,groove,fovea,depression,pit,ulcer,incisura,laceration,sulcus , striatum , ischium , notch Nouns jug , mug, bucket,
Guard , protect , safety , prevent ,
2.cut ,split , break ,injury 3.circucision,excision,incision, rupture , abrupt, schizo , fission, fissure , tomy , ectomy , fractals , fraction , fracture , dissection , interruption , section , segment , mero , part , sectòr , .. Nouns – incisor , scissor , insect.. Other examples :: cholecystectomy , mastectomy, organ + ectomy , organ + tomy , organ + fracture , organ + rupture , organ + section , .. types of incision , merocrine,
Eye ,optha,optic,oculo,opsia,spectacular,suspicious, Inspect,suspect, vision,visual,visible,scope,spectrum,video,invisible, Nouns… specimen,spectacles,television,evidence ,biopsy
Tuber,ganglion,globus,tuber,nucleus,ampulla,bulla, Bullous,glomerulus,malleus(hammer),tubercle, Nodule,swelling,polyp,cyst,torus,hernia, Process,condyle,knuckle,trochanter,coccus, globe,sphere,spherical,
1.Hair .. 2.capillary,filum,thread,fibres,fibril,filiform, filament,grass
Fire .. 2.pyro,ignis,fire,flames,fumes , summer,hot,calor, Burn,bust,combustion,inflammation,vapour, steam,perfume,snoke,fumigation,fulminant, Candela , candle , incandescent,flagre,blaze , flares,
1. Flower .. 2.antho,fragrance,
Garden … 2.field , horti , agri ,
aperture, 2.entrance,exit, … … 3.foramen,fissure,foramina,fenestra, fenestrum, 4.janitor, 5.Gate, 6.hiatus,Hole 7.lacuna, 8.meatus,mouth, 9.orifice,opening,ostium, 10.portal,pore, 11.spinchter, 12.window,
holy,heiro,sacred,piligrimage, Sanctuary , sarcophagus , sacrifice , worship
Hand 手 扶 把 拄 Wrist Thumb Arm . manu chiro brachii
Horn,kerat ,cerat,cornu,
arthr,articulation, joint,join,attach,fusion,intersection,meet,adhere, Fix,fuse,combine,with,together,coagulation,add,sym,syn,co,com,coalition,series,serial,
Leaf .. 2.phyllo , folium
Life,bios,vita,vitamin,vitals,nata,innate,alternate, Naive,nascent,native,national ,natural,nature
1.light , photo , phos ,shine , splendid , illumination , brilliant , luminous,lucid,intensity 2.
Locus … 1.,mark,spot,place ,location,topos,macula, 3.स्थान,जगह,स्थल place,deposit,composite,decomposition,depot,impose,impostor,opposite,pose,position, 5.port,transport,export,import,symport,antiport, teleport,deport transpose, juxtapose Examples .. Dislocation,displacement ,macula lutea,macula densa , relocation,locality,local anaesthesia,locomotion …
Moon 月 股 胛 肪 2.crescent,lunar,semicircle ,fornix,arc, arch, falciform,hyoid,flexure,kyphos,lordos,limbus,falx ….. .. Some nouns ..named diseases 1.kyphosis 2.lordosis 3.scoliosis
Mountain 山 崿 屸 2.montana,mount,hill ,… Some names of hills … nouns . 1.mount everest ,himalayas , 2.onamato,eponym,pseudonym, misnomer , nomenclature , nomen , binomial , term , terminology ,
cylinder,rod,bar 2.aulos,auletes,fistula(organ + fistula) ,sinus, shunt(types of shunt),trachea,pipe,oesophagus, vessel,aqueduct,duct,canaliculi, canal,passage,infundibulum, Isthmus,tract,road,meatus,gullet , cylinder,voyage,via,anastomosis .
Plane … 1.plani,platysma,placode,flat,lamina,layers,strata, Stratified,iso,equal
Rain 2.ombro,shower,nubi,cloud,smoke,fog,nebula, mist,fig
Ring .. 1.girdle , circle , gyros,twisted,modiolus,cingulum,belt,around, lumbrical,worm,helix,helicotremma,spiral, rotundum,oval,ovale,circular,peri,circum,
atrium,ventricles ,chamber, oikos,eco,dome,void,cave,arcan, vacant,empty,coelom , vacant , space,special 2 room,thalamus , hypothalamus , epithalamus , Metathalamus ..
sound , speak , speech , sonar , ultrasound , infrasonic , resonate , consonant , recite , spell , pronounce , dictate , incite ,phonetics , phont , announce , voice,vowels,vocals,vow,
Star 2.astro,sidero,stellate,interstellar,constellation
stone Stone 1.lith,petra,calculus,calcium 2. पथ्थर, 3. .. Examples .. 1.phlebolith,gastrolith,cholelithiasis(gallstones),ureteric calculus , phosphate calculus, 2.petrous bone
study , note 2.notice , notification , annote , denote , science , conscience , unconscious , semiconscious, Omniscent , scientific
1.Taste.. Sweet,sour,spicy,mellitus,glyco,gluco,sugar, saccharum,saccharin, .. Tongue Tongue 2.glossa,glottis,lingua,geusia …… 3.जीभ,रसज्ञ
Charecteristica Universalis
Govern , rule | |
Gainsay | |
Grade , | |
Land | |
Implode , explode | |
Implore , explore | |
Fry , cook cook | |
Gash | |
Free , open | |
Fulfill | |
Melt | |
Nurse , support , lean , need , | |
Nip , | |
Nail , paste , pin | |
Impeach | |
Ingest eat | |
Inherit herit | |
Inhabit live dwell | |
Imperil | |
Lay sleep | |
Latch | |
Impend | |
Lift | |
Input | |
Output | |
Limp lame | |
Success failure | |
Cut incise | |
Print imprint | |
New inaugurate | |
Improve | |
Pour fill | |
Infest infect | |
Inflate balloon | |
Infringe | |
Impair destroy break perish | |
Insure | |
Pay sell rent buy | |
Pat good goodjob | |
Mow | |
Participate takepart contribute partake | |
Seek find | |
Own | |
See | |
Plot plan | |
Plod | |
Prefer priority important | |
Seat | |
Pacify calm peace | |
Prepare | |
Practice excercise replay | |
Polish shine | |
Please plead | |
Pout | |
Secure | |
Pluck pick | |
Pollute dirty | |
Preset | |
Prosecute kill | |
Prove proof evidence | |
Preside reside | |
Redo again repeat | |
Rattle | |
Rot decompose | |
Preserve keep safe save | |
Provide give | |
Reduce less | |
Recollect collect | |
New renew | |
Ring | |
Remain main | |
Resell sell | |
Retain | |
Receive | |
Recognize cognition | |
Regard gratitude identify | |
Relate belong | |
Relax comfort rest | |
Retch | |
Resemble similarity | |
Resolve solve | |
Rely depend support | |
Pair repair heal | |
Cast recast | |
Build rebuild | |
Fer refer | |
Strain restrain | |
Propose | |
Reset set | |
Rid | |
Reuse use | |
Rise | |
Report port | |
Respect | |
Sabotage take | |
Shatter break | |
Sever | |
Shirk | |
Show display | |
Sign signal hint clue | |
Shave clean | |
Shear | |
Shiver tremble tremor shake | |
Shock surprise | |
Slam | |
Smooth soothe ease | |
Sling | |
Shoe | |
Signify priority important | |
Ski | |
Shrink small | |
Sink. Dip immerse | |
Snap grab | |
Slink | |
Shoot | |
Smother choke suffocate | |
Skid | |
Shun | |
Sip drink | |
Slay kill | |
Sow bury seed | |
Shut close | |
Soar fly | |
Sneak peep | |
Solicit | |
Slit hole aperture | |
Sort filter | |
Sneeze | |
Cry sob | |
Sniff smell | |
Stem | |
Steal rob theif | |
Stare gaze look | |
Sterilize disinfect clean | |
Join stick paste | |
Shit | |
Sparkle shine fire —- | |
Stay remain | |
Fast speed | |
Pollute dirt soil | |
Sprinkle spray | |
Squeeze crush | |
Stoop | |
Sting bite | |
Stew | |
Store keep save | |
Win succeed | |
Smell stink | |
Join stitch | |
Strive thrive | |
Stress pressure | |
String thread | |
Swell tumour | |
submit give | |
Swot | |
Tax | |
Tear | |
Survive thrive | |
Survey investigate | |
Supply give | |
Suffer Ill | |
Tend | |
Teach | |
Test examine | |
Terrify horrify | |
Tee | |
Tie | |
Trample | |
Tire | |
Tree | |
Tremble shiver | |
Train | |
Tread | |
Win triumph | |
Treasure money | |
Try practice | |
Match | |
Marry | |
Matter | |
mew | |
Moo | |
Meet meeting converge | |
Measure scale | |
Mind | |
Merge | |
Offer | |
Offset | |
Opt option | |
Moult shed | |
Nourish eat feed | |
owe | |
Patch | |
Satirise | |
Sap juice | |
Scab | |
Saponify foam | |
Sanctify pure clean | |
Sate | |
Sanction | |
Renounce | |
Sail | |
Sample | |
Scabble |