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Linea mediana anterior Anterior median line
Linea sternalis Sternal line
Linea parasternalis Parasternal line
Linea medioclavicularis Midclavicular line
Linea mammillaris Mammillary line; nipple line
Linea axillaris anterior Anterior axillary line
Linea axillaris media Midaxillary line
Linea axillaris posterior Posterior axillary line
Linea scapularis Scapular line
Linea paravertebralis Paravertebral line
Linea mediana posterior Posterior median line
Verticalis Vertical
Horizontalis Horizontal
Transversus Transverse
Transversalis Transverse
Longitudinalis Longitudinal
Axialis Axial
  • Horizontal dots in horizontal space
    • The right hand: , right dot
    • left hand. , left dot
  • longitudinal dots in longitudinal space
    • front dot
    • back dot
  • Vertical Dots in
    • vertical space
      • superior dot
      • inferior dot
    • in relation to axis whether the space is
      • space nearer to axis , proximal , near
      • space farther from axis , distal , far
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  • en/human/body_lines.1723394726.txt.gz
  • 2024/08/11 16:45
  • brahmantra