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  • HABIT, Endowment, enure, qualifie, Gift, Talent.
  • DISPOSITION, Propensity, Proclivity, Promptitude, Proneness, Inclination, readiness, given to, addiction, fitness, aptitude

To the more general consideration of Habit may appertain

Those States or Conditions of life which either reward or enable men for vertuous Actions; comprehending the


Those Qualifications, which, though they are not properly Vertues, yet do prepare for, and dispose unto, and, in other respects, circumstan∣tiate Vertue it self, both in the Habit and Operations of it, and are therefore styled AFFECTIONS OF VERTUE, either

  • MORAL. IV.

The Kinds of vertuous Habits, whether

  • INFUSED▪ ••th Intellectual and Moral. V.

General; viz. that state wherein a thing injoys as much perfection as it is capable of.

  • HAPPINESS, Felicity, Bliss, Blessedness, Beatitude, good, weal, welfare.
  • MISERY, Vnhappiness, Infelicity, Extremity, Calamity, Woe, Distress, Disaster, Affliction, Tribulation, Trouble, Plague, Iudgment, Caitiff, Wretch, poor, pitiful, deplorable.

Particular; relating to the reward of


Moral Vertue; in the enjoyment of those things that conduce to our bene esse.

  • External;
    • PROSPERITY, flourishing, thriving, auspicious, fortunate, hap∣py, good luck, success, speed.
    • ADVERSITY, Affliction, distress, tribulation, cross, disaster, infe∣licity, suffering, persecution, duress, fall, pressure, mischance, mishap, misadventure, misfortune, unfortunate, unluckie, un∣prosperous, inauspicious, sinister, dismal, ill luck or success.
  • Internal; quiet, or disquiet of the Affections.
    • CONTENTATION, Tranquillity, Contentment, Serenity, Hearts-ease, Equanimity, Sedateness, Rest, be satisfied, acquiesce.
    • ANXIETY, Discontent, 〈◊〉 taking, dump, trouble, anguish, dis∣quiet, vexation, perplexity, streight, pinch.


Christian Vertues and Graces; consisting in an everlasting Vision and Fruition of God.

  • SALVATION, Beatifical Vision, Heaven, Glory.
  • DAMNATION, Condemnation Hell, perdition.

1. Our Persons, and the being at our own disposal.

  • LIBERTY, Freedom, at large, deliver, release, inlar•e, set free, rid, dis∣patch, ransom, redeem, manumise, emancipate, give one his head, scope, arbitrary, undetermin'd, unconfined, may, may chuse.
  • RESTRAINT, confine, streighten, repress.

2. Our Possessions; being either ‖ sufficient, or insufficient, for our occasi∣ons and conveniencies, according to that rank and station wherein we are placed.

  • RICHES, Wealth, Opulence, Pelf, Means, Fortunes, Estate, thrive, Treasure, make, enrich, worth, well to pass.
  • POVERTY, Necessity, Penury, Indigence, Need, Want, poor, empoverish, ruine.

3. The sutableness of the things which we have or do, and that satisfacti∣on which we receive by them.

  • PLEASURE, Delight, Delectation, Enjoyment.
  • VNPLEASANTNESS, Grief, Trouble, displeasing.

4. Our Names, and the esteem we have amongst good men.

  • REPUTATION, Credit, Countenance, Applause, Name, Honour▪ Vogue, report, Fame, redoubted, of Note, Glory, Renown, well-sounding.
  • INFAMY, Disgrace, discredit, dishonour, disparage, defame, discounte∣nance, shame, ignominy, Stein, Blot, Blemish, Slur, inglorious, illiberal, ignoble, notorious, ill reflexion, or sound, or name.

5. Our Degrees, and the quality of our Conditions in relation to others; being either considerably above them, or below them.

  • DIGNITY, Promotion, Preferment, Advancement, Honour, Worship, Greatness, State, Port, Title, preeminence, upper-hand, High place, raise, exalt, illustrious.
  • MEANNESS, Lowness, Obscurity, Baseness, Vileness, ignoble, plain, abase, debase, degrade, Abjectness.

6. Our Ability to protect our selves and others from injury, which is the usu∣al result or consequent of the rest.

  • POWER-full, Potent-ate, Greatness, Interest, Strength, Might, Puis∣sance, Mastery, Prevalence, Predominance, over-sway, rule-the rost, bear a stroke.
  • IMPOTENCE, weak, inconsiderable.

1. Invention; which is ‖ rightly, or •••ongly disposed by

  • SAGACITY, Perspicacity, Sha•pness, Subtilty, Dexterity Wit, clear, quick, acute, searching, piercing, docil, towardly, apt, prompt.
  • DVLNESS, Stupidity, Heaviness, gross-witted, indocil, dreaming, Dolt, Dunce, Blockhead.

2. Iudgment; which is ‖ well disposed, by such a temper of mind as doth incline a man to assent unto things upon such evidence as is in it self sufficient, or ill disposed, by such a temper as inclines a man either to assent unto things upon such evidence as is insufficient, or not to assent upon such •s is sufficient.

  • FAITH, Docility, Teachableness, Towardliness, Aptness.
    • CREDVLITY, Easiness, light or rash of belief, facil.
    • INCREDVLITY, Vnteachableness, Vntowardliness, Sceptical∣ness, Scrupulousness, Vnbelief.

Phancy; which is ‖ well, or ill disposed by

  • SOBRIETY, discreet, grave, serious, staid, steddy, settled, sage.
  • CONCEITEDNESS, Affectation, Singularity, fantastical, vagary, wild, light, aiery, giddy, freakish, whimsical, hair-brain'd, brain-sick, Humorist, Opiniaster.

App•tite; which is fitly regulated by our being concerned for any Truth according to a due measure; and not either more or less then the evidence and importance of it, doth require.

  • MODERATION, Temper, Measure, Gentle-ness, qualifie, reduce to reason.
    • SLIGHTNESS, Slackness, negligence, remissness, Neutrality, frigid, cold, indifferent, unconcerned, slatering, superficial, cur∣sory, overly, perfunctory, faint.
    • FIERCENESS, Fanaticalness, vehemence, violence, eagerness, earnest, furious, heady, immoderate, dogmatical, Opiniaster, boisterous, rough, sour, keen.
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  • en/habit.1684765466.txt.gz
  • 2023/05/22 14:24
  • brahmantra