Spots in the skin, ‖ according to a lesser: or greater degree of dan∣ger.
MALIGNANT FEVER, Spotted fever, Purples.
PLAGUE, Pestilence, Pest, pestiferous, pestilential, the Sickness, Murrain.
Breakings out in the skin.
More dangerous; according to degrees greater: or lesser.
Less dangerous; accompanied with pain of itching and burning, from bilious matter; ‖ either that which doth usually over∣spread the whole body: or that which is commonly only in some parts, being apt to diffuse it self gradually, being accompani∣ed with redness and scurfiness.
ITCH, Mange.
TETTER, Ring-worm, Shingles.
Roughness in the skin.
LEPROSIE, Lazer, Leper.
SCURF, Morphew, Scald.
Contact in Venery.
LUES VENEREA, French-pox.
From some humor not in it self corrupted
From some humor not in it self corrupted, but by its superfluity distending the inward membranes of the Bones, the Muscles or Nerves: or dis∣colouring by Redness, and heating the outward skin; being a thin light matter that may be easily discussed.