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- Acute disease
- An acute disease is a short-lived disease, like the common cold.
- Chronic disease
- A chronic disease is one that lasts for a long time, usually at least six months. During that time, it may be constantly present, or it may go into remission and periodically relapse. A chronic disease may be stable (does not get any worse) or it may be progressive (gets worse over time). Some chronic diseases can be permanently cured. Most chronic diseases can be beneficially treated, even if they cannot be permanently cured.
- Clinical disease
- One that has clinical consequences; in other words, the stage of the disease that produces the characteristic signs and symptoms of that disease.AIDS is the clinical disease stage of HIV infection.
- Progressive disease
- Progressive disease is a disease whose typical natural course is the worsening of the disease until death, serious debility, or organ failure occurs. Slowly progressive diseases are also chronic diseases; many are also degenerative diseases. The opposite of progressive disease is stable disease or static disease: a medical condition that exists, but does not get better or worse.
- Refractory disease
- A refractory disease is a disease that resists treatment, especially an individual case that resists treatment more than is normal for the specific disease in question.
- Subclinical disease
- Also called silent disease, silent stage, or asymptomatic disease. This is a stage in some diseases before the symptoms are first noted.[22]
- Terminal phase
- Localized disease
- Disseminated disease
- A disseminated disease has spread to other parts; with cancer, this is usually called metastatic disease.
- Systemic disease