baclofen – it is used in the treatment of hiccups

peptic ulcer yaani peptic chala peth mein acid ke jyaada matra mein secrete hone par aane vale disease ko hum peptic ulcer kehte hain.isse rokne ke liye diye jaane drugs ya chikitsa ko hum peptic ulcer drugs kehte hain.

Proton pump inhibitors - brand names(chemical name) - tablet - PAN (PANTOPRAZOLE-Chemical name),Tablet Esotrex - Esomeprazole

H2 Receptor antagonists - Ranitidine (ZANTAC),Cimetidine(tagamet)

1.Softeners ,emollients laxatives 3.bulk forming laxatives 4.osmotically acting laxatives 5.enemas

Amitiza (lubiprostone). Amitiza, is approved by the FDA for the treatment of chronic constipation from an unknown cause (not constipation due to another condition or treatment). A mitiza softens the stool by increasing its water so the stool can pass easily. This medication is taken twice daily with food. Some reported side effects of Amitiza include headache, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.

Cephula, Chronulac,CREMAFFIN, Constulose, DUPHALAC, Enulose, (lactulose). Lactulose, DULCOLAX a prescription laxative with a variety of brand names, draws water into the bowel to soften and loosen the stool. Side effects include gas, diarrhea, upset stomach, and stomach cramps.these are used to treat constipation and sometimes are used to treat piles.

Folic acid - Folvite (folic acid),

iron - Orofer - XT(iron), Dexorange Syrup is prescribed for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, anemia due to folic acid deficiency.

Vitamin B12 - Tablet - Optineuron(vitamin b12),Methylcobalamin

Multivitamins - Tablet AtoZ,

multi B vitamins tablet - becosules,B-complex vitamin tablets