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 1:  1:
-====== Light ====== 
-==== PRIMARY ==== 
-=== Air === 
-The Air; according to the more 
-General Nature of it; denoting the intermediate or extremes, the lat∣ter of which is properly a total Privation. 
-  * TWILIGHT, Dawning. 
-      * LIGHT, Lux, lightsome, illuminate, enlighten, glimmer, glimpse, flash. 
-      * DARKNESS, gloomy, close, dim, duskie, Eclipse, obscure, sad, swart, brown. 
-Particular Kind or Degree; the Opposite to which doth suppose some secondary Light. 
-  * LIGHT, Lumen, lucid, Luminary, irradiate, Sunshine. 
-  * SHADOW, Shade, Vmbrage, adumbrate, Screen, Canopy, Curtain. 
-=== The Superficies of solid Bodies === 
-The Superficies of solid Bodies; from which a strong or weak reflexion is styled. 
-  * BRIGHTNESS, Lustre, splendor, refulgence, glister, glitter, dazling, shine, coruscation, clear, fair, orient, polite, gloss, respl•ndent, illu∣strious, furbish, polish, burnish, irradiate. 
-  * DIMNESS, gloomy, cloudy, blink. 
-=== The Bulk and Solidity of Bodies; === 
-The Bulk and Solidity of Bodies; according to their ‖ capacity, or inca∣pacity of conveying Light. 
-  * TRANSPARENCY, Perspicuity, pellucid, diaphanous, clear, thin: 
-  * OPACIIY, Thick. 
-=== Both the Superficies and Bulk of Bodies === 
-Both the Superficies and Bulk of Bodies; signifying ‖ a freedom from: or liableness unto, any single or interspersed impediment. 
-  * CLEARNESS, fair, immaculate, unspotted, clarifie. 
-  * SPOTTEDNESS, Blemish, Blot, Blur, Mote, Mole, Freckle, Speck, Stain, Soil. 
-==== SECONDARY ==== 
-=== SIMPLE === 
-== Primary == 
-Primary; whether the intermediate, or the two extremes. 
-  * GRAYNESS, Freez, grisly, hoary, russet. 
-     * WHITENESS, blank, blanch, bleach. 
-     * BLACKNESS, sable, sad, swart, brown, Negro. 
-== Secondary == 
-Secondary; most considerable according to their order in the Rain∣bow: the usual Colour of 
-  * Bloud: or of Gold. 
-     * REDNESS, Crimson, Vermilion, Scarlet, Stammel, ruddy, M•r∣rey, Gules. 
-     * YELLOWNESS, Sallow, Tawny. 
-  * Vegetables: or the appearing Colour of the Heavens. 
-     * GREENNESS, Verdure. 
-     * BLEWNESS, Azure, Watchet. 
-  * Iuice of the Fish Murex. 
-     * PURPLE. 
-=== MIXED === 
-== General names == 
-  * VARIEGATEDNESS, motly, pyed, particoloured, divers colours, embroider, inlay. 
-== Particular kinds == 
-Points: or Lines▪ 
-  * SPECKLEDNESS, Freckled. 
-  * STRIATEDNESS, brindled, streaked, striped. 
-Roundles, or Squares, 
-^ ENGLISH     ^ MANTRAKSHAR                      ^ 
-| flashes     | {{:mantrakshar:flash.png}}       | 
-| glitter     | {{:mantrakshar:glitter.png}}     | 
-| glow        | {{:mantrakshar:glow.png}}        | 
-| illuminate  |                                  | 
-| intensity                                    | 
-| light       | {{:mantrakshar:light_sun_.png}}  | 
-| lucid                                        | 
-| shine       | {{:mantrakshar:shine_1_.png}}    | 
-| twinkle     | {{:mantrakshar:twinkle.png}}     | 
-^ NOUN        ^ MANTRAKSHAR                      ^ 
-| bulb        | {{:mantrakshar:bulb.png}}        | 
-| candle      | {{:mantrakshar:candle.png}}      | 
-| star        |                                  | 
-| sun                                          | 
-| torch       | {{:mantrakshar:torch.png}}       | 
-===== Biology ===== 
-  * Photon  
-  * Phosphorus (biochemistry breakage and formation of phosphate bonds)  
-  * Helium  

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  • en/dictionary/light_semantograms.1710085693.txt.gz
  • 2024/03/10 15:48
  • brahmantra