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Mental or Verbal.

  • DESIGNING, allot, appoint, plot, preordein, project.
  • UNDERTAKING, enterprize, take in hand set upon, task.

Real; either more general or more special, with respect to the providing of requi∣site materials.

  • PREPARING, Parade, previous, ready, make way, fitting, Tuning, Harbinger.
  • FURNISHING, Aequipage, fitting, ready.

Initial; with respect to the

First entrance upon a business; either Real or Seeming.

  • BEGIINNING, Inchoate, initiate, commence, Inceptor, Spring, Rise, Origi∣nal, first, set about, set forth, set a foot, go in hand with, enter upon.
  • OFFERING, Propose profer, tender, bid, propound, overture.

Application of the labor, either to the doing of any thing, or to know whether it can be done.

  • ENDEAVOURING, Devoir, bestir, adoo, coyl, stickle, strein, strive, struggle, effort, make a stir, do ones best, reach after, lay out for.
  • ESSAYING, Trying, say, attempt, prove, tempt-ation, Test, Experience, enter∣prize, venture, sound, tast, touch, run the risk or adventure.


Medial; with respect to the time bestow'd in the doing of it, whether shorter or longer time.

  • DISPATCHING, Hasten, quick, high, forward, hurry, precipitate, speed, C•le∣rity, Expedition, sodain, apace, out of hand, cut short.
  • PROTRACTING, Delay, desert, retard, slacken, respite, tarry, foreslow, linger, prolong, lengthen, prorogue, procrastinate, dally, lagg, stand about, whiling about▪ shift off, put off▪ post off, spin out time.


  • End of the Action; either the effecting of what we undertake and profess, or our failing in it.
    • PERFORMING, Accomplishing, Atchieve, fu•fil, verifie, discharge, execute, keep, observe, exploit, make good bring to pass.
    • VIOLATING, infringe, break, trespass, transgress.
  • Action it self; whether Perfect or Imperfect.
    • FINISHING, Concluding, ending, accomplishing, fulfil, performing, cease, give over, Period, Term, ultimate, last, consummate, determine, dispatched, done, Catastrophe, clap up, shut up, wind up, close up, draw to an issue, go through with, run his course.
    • MISCARRYING, Failing.

Hinderances of it; either not rightly using the means, or not using some of them.

  • ERRING, Swerve, slip, stray, astray, mistake, oversight, deviate, falter, fallible. heterodox, Fallacy, wrong, amiss, awry, being out, beside the mark.
  • OMITTING, Pretermit, Wave, decline, default, escape, lapse, leave, miss, forbear, balk, supersede, overlook, overpass, preterition, overslip, overskip, let pass, pass by or over, lay aside, hold ones hand.

Helps of it; denoting either avoiding mistakes at the beginning, or rectifying mi∣stakes afterwards.

  • PREVENTING, Anticipate, Previous, aforehand, forestal, Foregame.
  • REMEDYING, Redress, Shift, Aftergame, Help.
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  • en/business_actions.1684769771.txt.gz
  • 2023/05/22 15:36
  • brahmantra